Have fans ever killed a race for you?

I LOVED Blood Elves at the beginning of TBC, with the struggle against mana addiction and all, and the risk of becoming wretched and how survival was the key point for many of the race’s decision.

Sadly, what made Belves most interesting for me (that background) was quickly resolved by the end of the xpac. :confused:

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The High elf/Void elf community is just toxic waste.

I don’t want to play any type of Thalassian anymore I’m just sick of it.

That’s what I’m saying.

It’s definitely an Undead mage or caster. heh

Although this community having an unhealthy hate for Mechagnomes made me love them even more.


If we’re talking NPC races, the toxicity/entitlement of many high elf and sethrak supporters has killed what interest I had in those races becoming playable. For the former, it’s been a crusade of nearly three years to either get another Alliance copy of blood elves or strip the one we already have of its identity, as well as giving us people like Joyeuse and Wanobi. For the latter, it’s crap like this:

Unsurprisingly, there’s some overlap with the anti-mechagnome cult because after the sethrak crowd thought they were owed sethrak and were going to get what they wanted, a race that actually looked like it could be an allied race came along and threatened their perceived chances, then the mechagnomes won and the sethrak crowd blamed them for robbing the sethrak of their “destiny”.
Imagine if they dedicated this much hatred to something important.


Throws Sentry Fish at the sympathizer.

Hiss. Boo.

Not helping your case, hon.


The only help I need is stuffing Mecha Gnomes into the Scrap-O-Matic, not like you can offer it, shorty.

Aren’t you in the High Elf Discord? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Incelves and furries are pretty gross

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Nah. These days I think I care more about what NPCs think about me than I do about the community/players in-game.

Big personal rant incoming; tl,dr: In my opinion people need to focus less on “cool” and more on makes sense.

I feel that way about all elves. Despite most of my mains being some variant of elf I would be thrilled if Blizzard canned them. Can’t stand the back and forth whining about how Alliance NEEDS High Elves to be complete. Just so certain people can fulfill their personal fantasy about being a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, ageless, and nearly perfect race. Any one else seeing the disturbing trend?

For context I cut my Warcraft teeth on Warcraft 2. It has always been just a game and I never invested anything of myself in the game. I don’t understand the concept of trying to “be yourself” in the game. So I make a single in game avatar that looks as closely to me in real life and then play whatever else I want.

I would like Naga because I like them aesthetically. I would like Murlocs because I find them adorable. Ogres because they have been part of the Horde since WC2 and in the WoW era the Stonemaul clan has joined. Furbolg because I just don’t want more standard human types.

I approach the species/race options from a very logical stand point. I oppose Sethrak because from a literary point it makes no sense. Full stop. Including the Jinyu or I forget the Naz’j group? They would make excellent candidates for joining the Alliance.

I hate, outright HATE most of the AR because most are lame reskins of other races. In short lazy. Green or Brown orc? Could have been a customization option. Same for the Dwarves and the LFD. Worst of the whole set was the Void Elves who literally appeared because Blizz needed something to balance out the AR line up.

Should have been Broken Draenei but then too many people would likely cry about how ugly they look.

Metaphorically or historically? Spoiler Alert: Both get pretty dark.

Both really. Look at all the complaints about Void Elves regarding skin, eye and hair colours. It is never because they just don’t like them. It is because they can’t roll a “High Elf”. I seem to recall in most fantasy not all High Elves have blonde hair and blue eyes… Just saying.

See even the UwU bothers me and according to my fiancé I’m a dirty furry. :woman_shrugging: (He’s mostly kidding)

I do like Vulpera though! And plan to roll one at some point. And plan to just ignore those sorts of fans. I suspect some are just trolls making fun of the furry community.

Now if only we had gotten gilgoblins. There was a similar sort of hate among vulpera fans with gilgoblins. It was very painful seeing as these uwu vulpera threads and evidence come out for vulpera when many were hoping for gilgoblins. Should anyone dare to suggest gilgoblins may be the goblin AR? You would usually get mobs of vulpera fans trying to shut down the idea. What makes it even worse is that given the Unshackled leaders actually showed up at durotar I suspect that they were originally planned at one point.

Not helping your case, hon.

Just one of the many resentful ones on these forums.

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It’s tricky because in the end they are fantasy races. People get attached to them but you can’t really apply real life racism to comments about elves, cows… even humans from the RP perspective of another race.

If you try to police that stuff you end up with the current DnD silliness.

I have mixed feelings on the kelfin
I wanted them but I wanted vulpera more.
So it would have been a shame but not a total loss

I think we lost out on 2 allied races because they had to rework azerite and then they bailed on the expansion and didnt release a 3.5

Nope. I play what I want.

Not anymore babe

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I have mixed feelings on the kelfin
I wanted them but I wanted vulpera more.
So it would have been a shame but not a total loss

I think apart of this is just not understanding how legitimately wonderful and unique this race could be with enough effort put into this model.

If they looked like this I can tell you a lot of people would want them. This could at the very least be a moonkin druid form for them. However this is the kind of effort I am talking about that would have gone miles with them. If they made good use of bio-luminescence, tentacle hair, and many aquatic elements and change the rig/geometry up a bit in a similar way it could easily be one of the most popular allied races. And it would make even more sense too.


honesly I don’t think they needed effort
I think the models of those we worked with were perfect

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