Mechagnome Love Thread 🥰


Why not.

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Although every so often someone comes along to throw insults our way. We take it in stride and defeat or outlast them.

Mechagon prevails!!!


Now if I had to choose my allegiance to Mechagon or Knights of the Ebon Blade.

I’d go haywire.

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I’m sure we need not worry about that for some time. Currently the knights of the Ebon Blade and the Heroes of Azeroth have the same goals.

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Some time ago an unholy DK came through here asking what we do with our amputated limbs. She wanted to purchase them for some project in Acherus.


Lookie here, you Tim Burton’s workshop rejects;

You cost us Sethrak. Instead of cool snake guys and girls in an array of colors that dazzles the eyes, we get garbage pail rejects. Instead of a brand new race, we get Alexa’s version of Little Einsteins.

I hate you. I hate your race. And from the pits of Tartarus I spit at thee. A pox upon your fetid expressions and hideous mechanics.

You. Ruined. Sethrak. For. Us.




Funny… Sethrak are basically only setup for horde…


It’s adorable, she thinks the AR that matches the gnome skeleton was going to be a unique snake person with no reason to side with the Alliance.


Considering that the Sethrak were aided and abetted by the Horde far more than the Alliance, their inclusion as an allied race was incredibly low.

Furthermore, the Mechagnome players did not steal anything from you. Blizzard is the one who owns and decides what goes into the game, lashing out at the players makes you look mean-spirited and very immature.

Additionally, it was only ever the WoW community who claimed that there was limited allied race slots. Blizzard has never made a finite stance on the issue, ergo the Sethrak could very well be included at a later date.



And let’s hope they are. They’re an amazing race. It’d be a shame if they were left behind.

Horde or Alliance… Or neutral?

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We need sneks to become an allied race.

I wanna be a cute danger noodle!

Also mechagnomes are kinda okay? less puntable than regular gnomes so thats a -1 from me thou.

Heaving forbid we get another gnome race that no one asked for…

Hopefully to replace these walking dialysis machines that no one likes.

You statement is factually incorrect. If even one player likes Mechagnomes you have made a false statement. Try instead the term unpopular.

Regardless we have a friendly group who will work tirelessly to support the Alliance.

Mechagon prevails


Just one industrial magnet and a reconfigured scrap-o-matic and both Leather Workers and Blacksmiths will be drowning in the new mats of Iron Bones and Mecha Ingots.

Says the lady who could be skinned to make a nice fur blanket.


Of course. You should ask for what you’re seeking, there is in fact a thread for this.

Heaving? What are we heaving?

I doubt you would get another gnome based race for the next AR. Blizzard hasn’t so far repeated the same model.

It is unlikely blizzard would ever replace an implemented race.

You should seek reachable goals, though I appreciate those who dream big.

Given how we are built its unlikely a magnet would cause any major damage.

The scrap-o-matic I’ll grant would do fair harm to any race. It’s quite the technologocal advancement in shredding and repurposing technology.


Says the gal who has a face only an ugly mother could love.


Every few hundred posts we get someone who comes in here, angry and belligerent. This is the first Sethrak fetishist we’ve had in a while.

(Raises glass of Fel infused Arcwine)

To your health.
(Drinks deeply)


I maintain that most Sethrak fans are not brainwashed with this hogwash idea that we somehow stole Sethrak from the Alliance.

They’re simply disappointed that they didn’t get what they wanted. The real Sethrak fans are the ones in the Sethrak thread still asking for the AR they cherish. Not the ones who come into other threads to bash others for no reason.