Have 6 month sub, but didn't get ArborWyrm Mount or pet


I already have a 6 month subscription. Shouldn’t I receive the mount and pet? If so, I have not received it yet in game.


Per the blog: “Players on an existing 6-Month recurring subscription with a future renewal date will receive these items at no additional charge, no later than January 23, 2024 (must be redeemed by July 31, 2024)”

Hope this helps, Fwôsty!


Why is it not an automatic thing. I know players have received this mount already why doesn’t everyone who meets the criteria get it at the same time?

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There is a lot of users, it just takes a little time to get through them. It usually only ever seems to take a few hours or a day or two, but they leave themselves a little wiggle room in case something goes wrong.


Another thing to note here is that when these promotions come up, we often have people who post that they’re on a 6-month (or 12) subscription but that they’ve cancelled the subscription too.

These promotions have historically required an active subscription as noted in the article:

Players on an existing 6-Month recurring subscription with a future renewal date will receive these items at no additional charge

Make sure that your subscription is currently active with a future renewal date to make sure that you qualify for the promotion :wink:


This. Anyone who purchased a recurring subscription, regardless of the term (1, 3, 6, or 12 months), but canceled it after it was billed, does not have an active subscription because there is no future billing date.


Yep no confusion about that. But players, like me, who have an active 6 month/12 month subscription with a future renewal date don’t have the mount and pet. I just don’t understand why it’s not an automatic process. It should be simple to track. It’s not like blizzard need to box and send them to each person individually.

There would be less confusion if it were more streamlined. Less people mistakenly thinking they have to shell out for even more game time right now.

I mean, I’d get it if we were last the 23rd, but there’s still plenty of time for it to be sent.

Them sending them out in batches does not mean that it’s not automated either. That’s just an assumption on your part to be fair.


And that’s normal. Since Bliz made it clear they go out over a period of time.

I believe it is automatic. And given we seem to see very few posts regarding actual errors (not user error), tracking does not appear to be a problem.

In spite of the article being clear, I do think this is a valid point. Not everyone thinks to go look for the article, and just see their friends getting something they should also have. I see a note on my launcher about it, but the fine print doesn’t mention the time frame, and only took me to the sub page. Sub page also mentions I’ll get items with my 6 or 12 month, but no mention of when.

However, suggestions here are not seen by anyone that can make a difference. You’ll want to post in the general forum, or use an in-game suggestion, to make sure you are heard.


I agree - all of this is definitely not clear re: eligibility and timelines, and it’s pretty crappy to have been on the active 6-month subscription for ages and not be able to have your rewards at or near the same time as everyone else who just signed up.

It is an automated process. But these things go out in batches. It may be that sending them all out in one massive wave causes issues.


It is 100% clear.



Seems like the only thing blocking the understanding is the assumption that they would be receiving it immediately. That’s simply not the case, nor has it been the case in the years they’ve been running this promotion.

But…why? Who cares if someone else has the mount a few days before you?

Blizzard can’t cater to everyone’s FOMO.


It’s definitely weird. I got the mount but not the pet so far. So strange.

Just to confirm, you’re checking Classic for the pet, correct? It isn’t available in retail.


Specifically, Ekon is referring to the following from the blog.

along with the twiglike Cypress pet** for your Wrath of the Lich King Classic characters.

The pet is only available in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, not Modern World of Warcraft. Sorry for the confusion.


Oh I see, that’s lame for retail pet collectors. 1,595 unique pets here… though i have been slacking this xpac.

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That is a lot of pets, grats. I wish I had the drive to do that, I love pets but am very lazy lol.


I was hooked into getting hardcore with pets when they introduced pet battling. I got sucked in hard.


Why? It’s a digital product as I said before they don’t have to box and ship them individually.

Because there could be between tens of thousands to a couple of millions people on the same pay sub. The system in the past had clog up when trying to send the same thing to everyone at once. Took a while for it to catch up with itself. After that, they’ve done it in batches to not overload the system.

Just because it’s digital, doesn’t mean the system will be flawless when you shove in who knows how many orders at once.