Have 6 month sub, but didn't get ArborWyrm Mount or pet

cloggin dem tubes huh. this makes 0 sense.

And that’s perfectly okay. It doesn’t have to.

The simple fact is that the way they do it now is the way that currently makes the process as smooth as possible.


Irrelevant, really. You are not required to understand, and they are not required to explain.

It’s that way, because.


“Why” questions will never be answered, simply because the developers don’t have to answer them.

Your satisfaction is not especially relevant.


And that’s certainly a great attitude a service provider should have huh. If you just accept and don’t question or offer critique nothing will ever improve.

I’m not a service provider. I’m a fellow player who accurately understands the situation, and has no interest in sugar-coating it.

Actually, if you ask questions in the wrong forum, nothing will ever improve. None of the Support forums are any kind of conduit to anyone who would be responsible for these decisions. The developers only accept feedback via non-Support forums like General Discussion or in the in-game Suggestion box. So complaining here is yelling at the counter person at Wendy’s about the prices and the menu.

That’s on top of the fact that they don’t answer “why” questions because you play the game as they designed it or you don’t play it at all.


the “you” in my response was not meant to specify you but blizzard. I’m sorry for the confusion.

But my point remains valid, if you only take what service they give you and never offer critique they will not get better.

As I said, they’ll accept your critique, if it’s offered in the appropriate place. Which this isn’t. (Yes, that’s another decision on their part they don’t explain.)


Yeah same for me. I didn’t have a 6 month sub before so who knows. I got mount, but no pet yet.

Ah, that explains it. Thanks!