Has WoW Music lost its magic to you?

I didn’t care for any of the BfA music and there is only a few tracks from Shadowlands that I like.

I love most of the music WoW has, save the horrible Antorus music. Shadowlands has some amazing entries. That said, it’s not quite as varied as it used to be.

Though, nothing can quite top the boss battle music in both Forge of Souls and Alysrazor. Those were epic tunes.

Honestly I don’t even notice the music.

I loved the wedding music in drustvar. I stood there awhile just listening to it. It’s beautiful

I’m not gonna say that I have a favorite one as of late.

I hate the music in this game. I’ve not listen to it since 2007. And zero regret. I play my own and that’s better then those skimpy snooze ambiances they try to stuff our ears with.

Nope. I listen to it out of game while working.

No, but I do tend to play the Diablo I and II’s “Hell” music when climbing Torghast for extra immersion.

Yeah those are better.

Why not throw in Brood War terran while at it?

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I will consider it. Thank you for the suggestion and have a pleasant night. :slight_smile:

Maybe a neuroscientist can tell you why this happens. Speaking from observation, it just seems to be an effect of becoming familiar with the music over time – you can lose interest. It brings to mind the common expression that familiarity breeds contempt. Anyway, I suspect that complex music might not lose its impact as quickly as simple music, but who knows…

Legion and bfa are better than shadowlands music. And gameplay. The zones were far better in previous expansions. Compare oribos to dazaralor or boralus music.

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I think WoW in general looses that sense of wonder and excitement you feel in your first months of playing as you discover the depth of the world and explore all there is to do, and the music certainly ties into that sense. Then, WoW becomes an addiction and a constant yearning for and seeking of that nostalgic sense of wonder. We’ll play until they shut the servers off. We’ll even play bfa and SL. :open_mouth:

i ain’t never listened to it spotify and pandora in early wow seem to have way better music.

Auchindoun had some Diablo-style music:

That one’s made by the same guy who made some Diablo music :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s a fair point. Alliance does have most of it. I do generally like the Alliance zones and music better, but overall prefer Horde races. Let us at that factionless expansion already. :slight_smile:

I have had the music turned off since I played Vanilla 16 years ago.

I tend to shut off the music and listen to something more adventurous… Though lately it’s been parliament/funkadelic type stuff. I just have to keep a dance macro handy lol

Wyes, i still play it but it’s not what it once was.

I realize you meant, OP, that the old music no longer feels nostalgic for you, however that is not my experiance.

I still get a thrill when I hear the Elwynn Forest theme and if I haven’t been playing the game for a while and happen to hear it somehow (I have a lot of mixed playlists of video game music I’ve collected over the years) it makes me want to play the game again!

However, the new music from about legion onward is not particularly memorable to me. Like if I sit and think I can mentally call up the music for Jade Forest, Azuremyst Isle, Storm Peaks, Tanaris, you get the idea… but the music from Highmountain? Tirisfal Glades? Maldraxxus? Man I have no idea. In fact I even struggle to remember the names of the newer zones. It’s just all kind of “blah” to me now. And that’s too bad.

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