The music of WoW is one of the only things that has remained consistently incredible throughout the lifespan of this game.
Balance is atrocious. Story telling is boring and predictable. Mythic+ Content is a horrible treadmill. Torghast not being immediately retconned out of existence is terrible. All of the bad things you can say about the last 10 years of wow.
But the music has always been incredible.
The nathria music is some of the best I’ve ever heard in game.
I’m enjoying this soundtrack way more than BfA’s. Neal Acree brings it.
If anything, I wish the music would re-occur more frequently? Sometimes I’m in Maldraxxus for long bouts and it’s just quiet.
The entirety of Ardenweald is emotional gut punching, imo.
The last time the music really gripped me was in Icecrown in WotLK… that zone is amazing. It hasn’t been bad since then just not great.
I use to have the in game music on all the time. Loved it so much bought each and every sound tract from iTunes. THEN, I think when MOP went live, they changed the way the music loops. I turned the music off and haven’t bought a single soundtrack since.
For me, the music from Molten Core is still one of the best tracks in the game IMO.
In Shadowlands, I actually like the Revendreth music.
You can set it in your audio settings to loop the music so that it constantly plays. Escape → System → Sound → Loop Music
On topic, though…
There are only three WoW tracks that really stood out to me and that I really liked:
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I honestly still really like all the new music that’s been added, the problem comes with game design. playing is fairly mindless when doing everyday activities… so much so that most people probably have a podcast or netflix/youtube playing in their background/on a second monitor.
I like the music, but I like watching other content more
Wotlk has some really nice music. The theme of Grizzly Hills is amazing.
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Depends on the zone really. I could not stand the music in Boralus, it was not relaxing lol. Most of the time I would say I have the WoW music on. Unless I was raiding, running dungeons, or pvp, I would turn my own background music on then.
WoD had some great tracks: one in garrison and it might have been the same one in Ashram DUN DUNDUNDUN. BFA had some amazing music. I loved the Alliance zones, and there was one really good track in the Horde main city. Shadowlands music isn’t quite as good. The only music that stands out in SL is Revendreth, but the rest of the zones just seem like background music.
To me peak warcraft music… was warcraft II:
But I’m biased…
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WoD was one of the worst expansions but had the best music.
Anyway. The quality of the new music is still outstanding, it’s just different. Old music was highly atmospheric and really built the feeling of the zones. For instance, a lot of the TBC blood elf music conveyed emotion very well. The soundtracks were mysterious, beautiful mournful with a little bit of pride mixed in. Everything that wrapped up the Blood Elves nicely.
New music is still good but is more bombastic. Feels more like a series of theme songs than an immersive track to set the mood.
Definitely agree with you. The music is still great, but doesn’t add to the atmosphere and ambience quite as well as in the past. When in Uldum, I would visit the bland zone of Tanaris just to hear the music. Some of it is very haunting and moody.
Does anyone subscribe to Meisio’s youtube channel? He does a fantastic job of editing and putting together the music and ambient sounds from different zones. Great to listen to while working.
I am a night elf and I can’t complain about the music related to my race: from the songs that play in Teldrassil when you’re a level 1 night elf to the songs of Suramar, Azshara. They are all wonderful. In this expansion I love the soundtrack of Ardenweald, Revendreth, dungeons like ToP, DOS, NW, I really am a big fan of the soundtrack about Maldraxxus.
Love the ToP music. Might be my favorite theme in a long time. I was also really fond of all the sea shanty style music around boralus
Do you get goosebumps when listening to other music as often as you did 11 years ago? Part of it could just be from aging. It seems pretty common that music becomes less influential as you age, in general.
The shadowlands theme when logging in is the worst music the game has ever had.
I’m done with this song srsly