Has the Community Council run out of ideas?

So add more bribery to get people to do achievements? Might work in the short term but not long-term.

There’s 4 things that are true about the Chronic Complainers in WoW:

  1. They never do anything unless they’re bribed to do it. And whatever they’re bribed with is never enough, they always complain they deserve more.
  2. Everything is too hard and they want it to be easier.
  3. Once the bribes get so big that they get everything they want quickly, and the activities are so easy and fast that they can do them quickly, they switch to complaining they have nothing to do.
  4. There aren’t nearly as many of them as the forums would make you think.

We already get titles, mounts, pets, toys, etc. from many achievements. Adding outright game bonuses to bribe people to do it who don’t even care would just be a waste. They don’t want to do it, fine, let them not do it.

After cross-factions and boosting think they called it a win, and took off for vocation.

Everything needs a carrot on the stick, otherwise people are not interested in doing stuff at all.

They have literally dozens of unused cosmetic stuff they can just add.


And these are just the mounts.

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From my POV, WoW has so many type of players, so a lot of players only consider content a rotation like legion on which season last less time, so if you’re a solo pvp player a new season means fresh content, same for raid rotation and M+ season, compared to mounts, achievements, pets…etc

I understand your point that the game has a lot of things to offer, SL is loaded with cosmetics and small features like each covenant building, however that’s not the broad perception among those players, i don’t know the state of the silent majority because there’s a lot of players that doesn’t use forums but it’s a valid concern at least for me regarding deliver of current content compared to Legion, just like new Dungeons on which each expansion has less, Legion had 13, BFA 11 and now BFA only 9 Dungeons (only Tazavesh added).

And at least for this point, i’m a chronic complainer of really low drops, i would prefer if this game innovates on gameplay like new brawls for holidays, questlines, world quest out of the current expansion…etc that time sinks like MoP World Bosses, Love Rocket…etc

True, that’s the problem that we don’t know the silent majority opinion around topics.

True, actually Blizzard doesn’t want to add new mount achievements even when players have been asked for those because we already passed the 400 goal years ago and they keep adding tons of mounts per patch.

I saw something about toys and it’s timer. I agree timers for toys should go down but there’s more things that are a problem than this. I do hope they haven’t but it feels like they did.

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Thanks for your response on the Holiday thread, i really like this part “Personally, I really just want the holidays to be fun and flavourful.” Since i did my own patch notes for a total revamp and keep doing post around ideas for those holidays with new pvp brawls, solo bosses…etc

More recent topic, if you want to check: Again nothing new for a seasonal event - Love is in the Air!


Can the council discuss the upcoming cross-faction features for 9.2.5 bit more?

It’s clear they’re holding back the cross-guild features for 10.3.5 (like they do with the transmog rule updates, only once per expansion) and it would be better if people can join a guild regardless of their faction for 9.2.5.

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What else would you like to see discussed? There is an existing thread on the announcement (Cross-Faction Announcement)

Yes its been 2 weeks since any activity in the thread, but I think we flushed out most of our ideas and we haven’t had any new information. Only exception would be the new members who have been added in recent days

Cross Faction guilds sooner and not as an update for the next expansion within three years. It’s always the same with them and it was also unbearable to wait for transmog updates which they release every expansion, like the shoulder-feature in this expansion and in BfA the loosened restrictions.

If they want to implement them right away I’m down. I assume they have a reason though.

Probably because a guild where you’re Unfriendly with your guildmates in the open world isn’t much of a guild, and the only way to make people not Unfriendly to the other faction in the open world is to remove factions from the game, which would be unacceptable to most.

At least with this topic, i’ll say you should be patient, CC could mention the same things on the CC forums which is good as a more direct feedback, however as programer, i can only imagine the spaguethi code that WoW has around factions, it’s a huge step that it’s part of 9.2.5 instead of 10.0, cross faction guild could be an option besides the current BNet Communities but they need to change a lot of code for that.

Maybe same for cross faction email between your own account, there’s a lot of things that are missing for some people but at least of a new feature like this, we need to be patient specially due to the code issues.

Could be, for sure.

But still something to find a way around when such a large portion of the community wants it.

There isn’t a large portion of the community that wants it. There’s a very vocal part of the Alliance playerbase that wants it.

What’s the Horde playerbase getting out of any of this? Oh yeah, nothing. It’s entirely one-sided because Alliance players complain more.

This is, by the way, a place where the CC completely falls down as a representative body - you guys are overwhelmingly Alliance. Much like the forums in general. There is no discussion when all the peas are from the same pod.

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By my count, there are 60 people with the “Community Council” tag on the forums. Based on their posting character, only 20 are alliance, so no. We are not “overwhelming alliance”

I’ve seen plenty of horde players wanting to go back to alliance races but play horde to be with their guild/friends who are looking forward to cross faction and asking for guild cross faction.

Even a small addition to the LFG system is an addition. Of course alliance gets the better end of this side of the deal, because the playerbase is smaller, but the Horde doesn’t get nothing.


Then let people play the races in either faction. Dissolving the factions from the game is not the answer.

That’s what people thought Allied Races were going to be in the first place - Defias Humans for Horde, Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance, etc.

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How would you even quantify this? This is meaningless.

It’s not rocket science. They only need to remove the faction restriction. People look at this like it is a complicated system - but in most cases it’s just flipping a switch or adding the ifelse condition.

Adding skips to older raids is more complicated than this.

Don’t pretend you had not your fun harassing and mocking Alliance-players during BfA. I was here, reading as a guest, when you posted.

edit: I knew I forgot something:

Yes, the reason is “feature for the next expansion”

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What are they doing. I don’t see much discussion going in the community council. Was disheartened that the first PvP topic I saw was related to world PvP.

In their defense - some of those ‘suggested ideas’ were woefully terrible.