Has Sylvanas betrayed the Horde yet?

Belief is not solid evidence, she had a hunch, that was all she had to go off of.

She distrusted them from the very beginning. She didn’t like the idea of another potential coup in her own ranks, so she just used this chance to eliminate them.

A betrayal is a betrayal no matter what reasoning is behind it. The deasolate council didn’t betray Sylvanas, Sylvanas betrayed the deasolate council. None of them showed any signs of acting in direct opposition to her, and she slaughtered them. I dunno why that’s so difficult to accept.


Get back with me when you want to talk about Sylvanas trying to destroy the planet.



Well the game has directly told us that while not supplying any evidence to the contrary.

Goalpost wasn’t moved. Sylvanas hears that her mining is destroying the planet. She continues destroying the planet. Her actions prove her intent. I’m sorry that Sylvanas is irrefutably evil. It sucks when you know your favorite character is going to die.

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No, members of the Council definitely betrayed her first. Defecting with the sister of the guy who murdered them all is definitely a betrayal. She gave them a home, a purpose, and protection. Calia has done… what exactly? Not to mention she’s already had a coup attempt so idk maybe she’s a little sensitive to it and doubly so since it’s a freaking Menethil.


Some members of the Council did defect. Most returned when she told them to: When she blew the horn.

Unbeknownst to them she planned to kill anyone who didn’t immediately return after meeting their family members.

First betrayal goes to Sylvanas by means of intent alone.

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“Blizz” did not say that. One guy, Travis Day, who was a “producer” did.

A producer also told us Blood Trolls would be a playable race. They aren’t reliable sources of information or voices of authority on the story. That’s this dude’s opinion.

And clearly, this guy doesn’t understand the concept of show-don’t-tell. Because that quote is laughable in light of her ignoring the planet’s impending death and burning an entire zone of children and civilians alive for miscalculated psychological advantages over the Alliance.


Not all of them did, and THAT’S who im talking about.

She didn’t let them come home

A purpose to serve

Protectiom by slaughtering them all.

Acted like an idiot and got killed. Also she helped priests fight the Legion, so there’s that.

A “little” sensitive is an understatement.

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You haven’t presented anything that insinuates Sylvanas is trying in any capacity or any correct definition of the word try, to destroy Azeroth.

You moved the goal post from “Sylvanas is trying to destroy Azeroth” to “Sylvanas ignored Magni and continues to mine Azerite”

What sucks is discussing lore with someone that continues to squeeze and twist lore to fit their imagination, but you know what keep the dream and hope alive.

We generally label quotes and references as “cdev,” “blizz,” “BtS,” "Chronicles etc etc but if you want me to acknowledge the man was a producer for Blizzard when he made that statment, I most certainly will and have no issue with that.

Here’s another for you:

_: But, it seems that Sylvanas Windrunner is showing as a villain too much _

A: I think that it just depends on your perspective, she’s an interesting character, and a very charismatic leader too. She’s very effective. - Steve Danuser, Senior Narrative Designer


I’ve posted a canon lore article that state that,

“She needs healin’. An’ that’s what priests do. She made it clear that all must heal her or all will perish.”

“The spirits cry out,” Hamuul was saying. “They died in an effort to protect the land, and now only death inhabits that place. Death and pain. We must not fail our Earth Mother. We must re-create the Cenarion Hold.”

“Nae, they’re not. They’re pokin’ and proddin’, and Azeroth doesn’t like it. She needs tae heal—or she’s goin’ tae die.”


Dictionary result for destroy



verb: destroy ; 3rd person present: destroys ; past tense: destroyed ; past participle: destroyed ; gerund or present participle: destroying

  1. put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.

You’re wrong.


Holy balls can someone with a twitter account ask one of the writers if the skeletons in Lordaeron have sentience or souls? You people have argued this for months.


Blue already confirmed all undead have souls attached to something.

All undead are not damned and Sylvanas does not control the undead at Lordaeron they are feral undead that attack everything.

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Dark Mirror confirms that Nathanos had no control over his body and was a mindless killing machine that only stopped killing when the Lich King so commanded him to.

Forsaken behaved exactly like the skeletons do.

The actual forsaken profile confirms that all Forsaken were likewise mindless.

Mindlessness =/= soulless.

I don’t care what you think, but that’s not what the expansion amounts up to. The expansion so far has been about the war between the Alliance and Horde. Sylvanas being involved doesn’t maker her evil.

Next to what now?
There’s npcs in blighted Lordaeron?
If there is, that’s actually news to me.

That’s for the Alliance.
Let me repeat that FOR THE ALLIANCE, specifically. It’s to paint Sylvanas as evil in the eyes of Alliance players, but obviously it worked for HORDE PLAYERS AS WELL. Gg on the big think.

In your opinion.

That’s never been the stated intention.

I’m not ignoring it, it’s simply not relevant.
Magni talking about Azerite it not relevant, not to mention not enough to indicate Sylvanas is evil. Indicate that she may be using this opportunity to cause war? I can see that. Indicate straight up she was foaming at the mouth for Alliance and Horde blood, hardly.

She doesn’t need evidence, she’s the Warcheif, a decision maker, in a time where she had short time to make a decision.

I read the book, I remember.
That’s not what I’m referring to. Perhaps a better way to put it is “She has little problem with their services as a governing force.”

With that reasoning anything can be betrayal.
I could site a few similar instances of this happening and it’s totally not even considered.

Maeiv is a good example.

@Treng’s Lordaeron pics
I would have never noticed otherwise because no one has any reason to stay around there.
Maybe I am wrong in this front, but I honestly doubt it.

While there’s no evidence, there’s plenty of hints. The way Magni talks about Azeroth obsessively equating her to his own daughter, the way old god minions show up when we first met Magni in Legion, or the more recent time when an old god minion just pops in while your “empowering Azeroth”.
But, I will agree, these are simple suspicions at best.

This was never stated.
Hinted towards, maybe, but her reactions didn’t indicate these “plans” in my book. She only started to get into gear once word of a Menethil on scene.

(Side-note: Blizzard, your rules about links suck)

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So what? The Lich King has control of the dead he raises this is confirmed.

Since when did I say anything about them being souless? Undead lash out after being rased this is known it has nothing to do with souless.

This has nothing to do with the assertion that they are damned by the nature of being undead or that the dead Sylvanas raised are slaves which they are not.

I don’t care what you think.
Canon material says that you’re wrong.


We see it too. It’s specifically for us, to let us know “oh crap, we’re being betrayed.”

Because we are. She specifically mass murders, mass damns, and mass enslaves the Horde right infront of us. Then she continues mass enslaving the horde as they die in the Blight while Saurfang PLEADS WITH US TO SAVE THE HORDE INSTEAD OF SPREADING THE BLIGHT.

Your bias is monumental.

In fact.

“All will serve me.”

It’s 100% relevant, and you’re disregarding it because it destroys your image of Sylvanas.



Direct statements of how undead work prove they’re enslaved. Undead raised by the Forsaken are traditionally insane for the first bit of battle but then are freed or killed. The skeletons are still there.



Yes, I’ve already stated that there was no reason for her to kill the non-defectors. I’m speaking of the ones who did defect. But regardless of what happened she was still the leader who got their capital back, built up a military to protect them, gave them a purpose other than being mindless zombies running around the Plaguelands (we see in BtS that they are Forsaken that don’t just exist to serve her in a military capacity, they have normal-ish lives in UC) while Calia hid in a ditch somewhere.

Do you honestly think Sylvanas was going to just kill them all for funsies if Calia’s dumbazz didn’t reveal herself? No, she was just going to use it all for good PR even though she thought the meeting was a bad idea in the first place, which, SURPRISE it was!


No it doesn’t thats not what is stated in the Traveler.

Undead are naturally mindless and uncontrolled it takes magic to return control to them. Being feral does not mean they are slaves or mind controlled.

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However, some undead, especially those who die in combat or under extreme stress and are raised soon after, enter into a violent, frenzied state. Undead in this state are easily manipulated and their rage is often directed at the foes of those who raised them. After the effects wear off, if the risen corpse has not been destroyed, they are given the same ultimatum that other Forsaken are offered: join the Dark Lady or return to the grave.[31]


Yet so many people disagree with you.

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