Has Sylvanas betrayed the Horde yet?

I see the sentiment that the rebellion must happen because Sylvanas betrayed the Horde. I have to ask when and where did this happen? You can say she is an immoral leader or even an incompetent leader but I don’t think you can say she is a traitor.

Then on the other hand we have the honorable choice; Saurfang and Baine. In their pursuits to bring back the Horde to it’s old honorable self they commit actual treason.

Sylvanas hasn’t betrayed the Horde she is just evidence that the Warchief is now an outdated concept.


inb4 mass murder and mass enslavement at Lordaeron.


Yes. The damn answer is yes lmao. She lied to the Horde and dragged them into an unwindable conflict and has clearly ulterior motives. That, in my mind, is betrayed of the Horde, the Horde who trusted her and had faith in her position as Warchief. You have to really be sippin her stuff to not see her plans serve an undisclosed purpose.


How about that time in Cataclysm when Garrosh tells her NOT to deploy the blight in Gilneas, and then she deploys the blight in Gilneas.


I really don’t know what she’s done either. I’m guessing a few trolls, tauren, and orcs just want to erase the 14 years of development and go back to the original Horde with “friends”. Everything they say is vague or “she’s done too much to say.” Personally, I don’t think Horde should feel bad about burning the tree since Night Elves have always been an opposing force.


So if you are reaching back that far I take it during Sylvanas’ tenure as Warchief she has not betrayed the Horde.


The mass murder, mass damnation, and mass enslavement of Lordaeron.


Because Sylvanas is not evil. In the story for her, it’s much more. She’s definitely aggressive, and she definitely believes in having power and control, but I also think that she does take seriously the representation of the Horde. She has a different perspective which is that the Horde will never be safe until the Alliance is wiped out. But, is she acting in a cruel, mustache-twirling evil way? Not really, she’s just trying to defend her people. - Blizz


I was the one with the mask and the blight, not her, and they’ve made it very clear that Forsaken are raised by Val’kyr. I thought she just animated the corpses.

Edit: Ooof, why did he say that on stage? I might have to ignore it.


You didn’t ask as Warchief, you just asked when she’s ever betrayed the Horde

Well how about when she promised to the Horde to avenge Vol’jin at his funeral, only to go off and pursue her own power grab instead, during a massive Legion invasion in which Horde troops were fighting and dying while she was off trying to enslave Val’kyr who were kinda fighting the Legion with us. (According to the warrior OH)


No, not to begin with you weren’t. She orders her Forsaken accolytes to murder the Horde. They kill for her at her behest, at her pleasure, and at her command.


Because it’s Word of God fact. It isn’t new. Actions speak louder than words, and her actions scream “I am evil.”

You have been ignoring it.


Lol come on, none of the leaders were shown avenging Vol’jin because Legion was not a Horde expansion. You are lucky they even gave that quick little nod to his glaives in the epilogue.


Well how about killing her own Forsaken in BtS. Now that’s GOTTA be a bertrayal of some sort.

It’s one thing to kill armed Horde troops who at least have the chance to defend themselves, it’s another thing to murder a field of unarmed civilians.


I wish she hadn’t of killed all of them. But I really have no issue with her killing the ones who were defecting. She was under the impression that Anduin had brought Calia as a usurper and that’s certainly what it looked like as the dumb ho was screaming “I’m Calia Menethil everyone run away with meeeee”. Like come on, it’s Arthas’ sister.


“On the Alliance side Jaina and Anduin are trying to stop Sylvanas evil plans”

I don’t think that means what you want it means, it sounds like he’s talking about from an Alliance perspective.

_Q: But, it seems that Sylvanas Windrunner is showing as a villain too much _

A: I think that it just depends on your perspective, she’s an interesting character, and a very charismatic leader too. She’s very effective.


Sylvanas’s only plans are destruction.


Well there’s our betrayal, then. She betrayed the people coming back to her. She betrayed loyal Horde citizens.

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Of course, she’s trying the destroy the Alliance, so was Saurfang.

You’re really reaching aren’t you, my advise keep reaching.


Yes, but it’s a Forsaken betrayal. Is it a greater betrayal against the Horde? Do the rest of the Horde memebers even know?