Has Sylvanas betrayed the Horde yet?

It does when the weight of her sins are Arthasian in magnitude.


Two factions comment on it.

Blizzard states that Sylvanas is evil and her war campaign is only one of destruction.


No, it doesn’t. In fact, practically every known character has shown doubts about Sylvanas.

Didn’t. If it had happened the way you insist the Horde would have turned on Sylvanas right then. Baine turned for far less.


Fourish people doubt Sylvanas.

Thousands to millions do not.

They should have. Unfortunately, that’s not the story that Blizzard wanted to tell. After all,

Yeah, sorry Treng your argument loses its weight when Saurfang is the only one who is shown caring about it meanwhile we have like 4 or 5 different characters commenting on Derek.


God damn do I love the Honor Horde. It was a bit silly for me not to think this thread would go on for this long.

If I go in your post history, I won’t find you accusing Blizzard of poor storytelling, will I?

I hope not, given that you’re now implying that they’re incapable of writing characters out of character.



I’m proud of you. You proved me wrong. You haven’t been one of those folks who say “Blizzard writes Sylvanas out of character.” You accept that it’s true, but resent it. I can understand and sympathize.

Again, when almost every known character is shown doubting her, including nearly every racial leader, you can’t say that the Horde is blindly following her.

So instead you’re insisting on a scenario where the Horde is fine with being “mass murdered, mass damned, and mass enslaved”? Because that’s the idea you’re pushing here, that the Horde blindly supports these events and this behavior. For someone that supposedly wants an honorable Horde, you’re sure presenting them as irredeemable monsters.


I think it’s a discussion worth having- pointing out the similarities and differences between Sylvanas and Garrosh is important. IMO, if we can make distinctions then maybe the story isn’t that bad, but if there are no marked differences, then there is really no hope of this being anything but a bad, bad, retelling of previously done story. I mean maybe that’s what it actually is, but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t want them to be the ones leading people off the cliff.

Yes I can, because the thousands to millions of Horde are blindly following her while crying that Saurfang and Baine are traitors, when they factually are not.

Sylvanas’s abuse of Derek is breaking the #1 cornerstone of all Forsaken culture, which is by Word of God undeniably Free Will. The Forsaken should be praising Baine.

They are not. Nor is the Horde.

That’s the story that they’re presenting. I hate it. Now do you fathom why I am so disgusted with Sylvanas’s “”“leadership”"", even if you don’t agree with it?

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I mean
We were already shown Forsaken being treated as disposable tools by Sylv & Nath with Captain Valentine

Derek is just a step further

A. Who?
B. They literally are.

Keep in mind, players =/= the Horde.

I think you’re playing into Blizzards hands by making the same mistake that Blizzard wants you to make, which is to pin the blame on Sylvanas and harangue for her removal.

Actually, your statement here is in contradiction with everything else you’re saying. How can you say that the rest of the Horde are blindly following Sylvanas while insisting that it’s her leadership which is the problem? If you disagree with the situation, it’s the entirety of the Horde which you should have issue with.


Lyana, etc.



The Horde didn’t order the Horde into a kill zone and then have them mass murdered, mass damned, and mass enslaved.

You said “crying that they’re traitors”. Did she cry about it? Or did you just mean it as in “saying”?

They are. You can argue whether they’re right or not all you want, but they’ve every bit as betrayed as Vol’jin in MoP… Or, much more, really.

Sylvanas is part of the Horde. As Warchief, her word is effectively law. And after ordering the bombardment, the rest of the Horde still followed her. Why are you pretending like the rest of the Horde isn’t culpable for following her orders and going along with her actions?

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Crying, whining, whinging, etc.

Vol’jin didn’t betray the Horde, either.

Sure, but we’ve established that in my example that the Horde is the populous, not the Warchief.

As long as they remember she’s Warchief, yes. That was a big plot point in BTS, I remind you.

Because the victims aren’t being written to character. After Arthas, no one would put up with Arthas’s shenanigans again. And yet, he we are. Waiting for the final patch to raid Sylvanas.

But that didn’t happen.

He did. Less than Saurfang or Baine, but he did.

But Sylvanas is part of the populous. The catapult operators that launched the Blight are part of the populous. Everyone that continued to follow Sylvanas after this moment is part of the populous.

As long as they remember she’s Warchief, yes.

It’s not exactly something you forget.

So you’re exonerating the rest of the Horde with the excuse of bad writing but placidly blaming Sylvanas for the writer’s choice to contrive this storyline?


She killed members of the Horde so…yeah?

This aint rocket science.

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For some people, it may as well be.

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I can’t believe so many people still mindlessly worship their body pillow