Why do you support Saurfang or Sylvanas?

All of this?

My first foray into Wow was at the tail end of BC and the beginning of Wrath. My first character was a Blood Elf and all of my leveling done was in Northern EK. I remember falling in love with both the Blood Elves and the Forsaken because I’m a glutton for tragedy and who better represented the fate of both of the races than Sylvanas? She was the first racial leader I had ever interacted with when I found the locket in Ghostlands and made the trek through EPL and WPL to bring it to her (didn’t know there was an orb to port to UC, would have saved me from several deaths). I read up on her backstory in WC3 and was taken in by her “by any means necessary” sassy attitude towards building up and leading the Forsaken. I was so stoked that I joined during Wrath and would get to see her vengeance play out. Of course, Wrath didn’t quite play out the way I would have liked for Sylvanas. She was in ICC when he would die but it wasn’t really satisfying. In my opinion, both Sylvanas and Jaina should have been part of the LK fight. I think they both deserved that kind of closure but I digress.

So, I mainly support Sylvanas because she represents my original love for Wow and all the nostalgia that I hold dear. I support her because I absolutely do not want a cheap rehash of MoP, it just destroys my ability to ever fall in love with characters again because who knows who will be next? I support her because I hate that the devs have forced her into doing things that, while they make the most sense from Sylvanas out of all the options available, make her a major point of contention not just with the Alliance but within my own faction. I support her because I never cared about honor and I do like the darker themes. I support her because I do enjoy pvping and I thought that this expansion would allow us to indulge in that without shaming us. I support her because she deserves more than just becoming a low tier villain to build up a faction war that most people didn’t really want.