Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Even if archaic the wowprogress website is still one of the better website to find a guild.

Most of the players grind it because of the gear. While you can have fun in it is irrelevant if the grind becomes the issue. like Thorgast.

I mean before that it was 25m, and I did prefer 25m.
10m heroic after wotlk was always broken in term of scaling and difficulty, the only time it truly shines for me was wotlk because 10m was just considered an easier difficulty.

Lol, that’s funny - I’m actually playing GW2 right now. Yay Wintersday!

And yes, I would love to see that. Not sure we ever will, though.

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Yeah, I’m not saying there aren’t outside means to find a guild. Blizzard needs to fix their internal one.

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Pot meet kettle…

The best part is that a lot of the people defending M+ have offered numerous ways raid could be improved. But you have yet to provide any justification why the removal of M+ would result in more or better content when nothing of the sort came in the 12 years before Legion and verifiably more content was added in Legion, BFA, and SL.

Nobody has ever said that gear wasn’t part of the motivation for running M+, just that it wasn’t the sole reason. Progressing your character is an important part of any RPG, and gear is the primary way to do that beyond level in WoW. Challenge mode didn’t offer that while M+ does. So this is far from an apples to apples comparison.

Also, you changed your wording here which is significant. Before, you said the only reason anyone ran M+ was gear. Now, it’s the only reason they will spam M+. While the word only is still going to make this statement untrue - a single person who will spam M+ for any other reason makes your claim false - I do suspect that gear would be the primary reason to spam M+.

But getting back to your original claim, gear being one of the motivations does not mean it’s the only motivation. The reality is that you cannot progress very far into M+ without more gear, you simply won’t survive mechanics no matter how good of a player you might be. So wanting to get gear to feed back into M+ does not mean the only reason for running M+ is gear, just that it’s a necessary stepping stone. This is not different than raid.

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Nobody likes raiding. That’s kind of the problem. People like the act of raiding, playing the encounter. It’s big and lots of “ooooh” and “aaaah” effects, but 99% or the difficulty of raiding is people, and people suck. 10 man raiding was the hottest scene raiding has ever had.

Raiding is like trying to plan a weekday event for 24 adults with only 20 open seats. In fact, that’s exactly what it is. And until they make that part better, any alternative to raiding will always be more successful.

So raiding has to change, or die.

They’re already 98% of the way there with everything being cross-realm next expack! :sweat_smile: It wouldn’t surprise me if they went that way by the time TLT launches… :crossed_fingers:

Having said that, they also do need to fix the Guild Finder tool; it’s pretty awful right now. :frowning_face:

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Ok we get it you don’t like raiding. Now you can move on.
Many people do and many people still do because they find it fun even when the rewards are crap on retail.

They need to make it so guilds can be crossrealm before doing anything else and fixing some crossfaction issue. It’s probably not easy tasks.

Next xpac, dude! Already announced.

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Raiding has the best loot and best loot efficiency.

The problem is the people. The organization. The scheduling conflicts.

What? You’re allowed to campaign to have my favorite part of wow butchered, but I can’t suggest a change to raiding?

25 man raids were pretty easy.

Players will always take the path of least resistance. Most WoW players are only interested in acquiring loot, this has been the case since Vanilla. So it is a no brainer that M+ is going to have broad appeal to your average WoW player, because it is just way easier to gear. That doesn’t make this content good.

If pet battles rewarded mythic level gear, people would be grinding that content non-stop.

My entire beef with M+ is that is is very limited in scope, and it turned the game into speed run dungeon simulator.

The devs need nerf the rewards from it, or just give its own gearing path.

I don’t think a lot of people realize how little investment WoW is getting these days. The current formula of 4-5 zones 8 dungeons and 2-3 raids is basically the formula they settled on to milk what is left of the player base.

There is almost zero innovation happening between expansions anymore. M+ has been the same stagnant formula since Legion, it is BORING!!!

People are playing the heck of the new BFD raid in SoD.

M+ basically is trying to cater to the Tik-Tok Fortnite gamer.

Like what? I’m genuinely interested in this because the game would be better if players who want to only raid can enjoy the game that way. But every time a proposal is brought up, it either squarely ruins M+ or has some shortcomings that are never addressed.

For instance, splitting gear would be good for high end raiders and M+ers who despise the other mode but worse for high end players who enjoy both and for anyone below the top because now they have to farm two sets of gear. If we can come up with a solution to this, I think it could be a great change.

Er…I’m not sure I get your point here.

My, our, point is that players are running M+ because they enjoy it in addition to getting gear, much like the reason why raiders raid is because they enjoy it in addition to getting gear.

If players hated raiding, they wouldn’t run it just to get gear; eventually, they’d just quit.

Same principle for M+; if players hate it, eventually they’ll just stop playing because the gear rewards are not worth it.

Think about it: why would anyone play a game mode they hate to get gear so that they can do a higher difficultly of a game mode they hate? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Raiding offers the fastest way to get tier and has “some” of the best loot.

Get aspect crests? farm M+

Want mythic ilvl loot? Just cap 3 slot of the great vault with m+ and you can do that week 1 or week 2 while good luck to do that with raid.

Just with loot acquisition, unless you’re locked to only play a few hours a week doing M+ is incredibly powerful to skip multiple weeks of gearing with raids.

I mean 25m heroic was still comparably harder to fully clear. But the ping pong of scaling and difficulty between both 10m heroic and 25m heroic since cata made them compete never made sensee.

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I’m a software developer. It’s not nearly as hard as they make it out to be. They just have to want to do it and believe that the resources spent on it will pay dividends. Oftentimes, the reason why issues languish or features are half-hearted is because the ROI, or rather, the perceived ROI, on development costs simply isn’t good enough.

That being said, the problem here is that megaservers would impact the social aspects of the game, and that is not something that is easy to quantify, and therefore, provide a cost-benefit analysis for… :frowning_face:

The realm community except maybe on RP realm is long dead on retail.

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And that reduction started in MoP and WoD, with Legion and BFA both shooting those numbers back up. I’m not saying you’re wrong, M+ being as popular as it is may be a reason Blizzard isn’t giving us more zones and instances. It’s just every example you could pull in the post-M+ days have a contemporary pre-M+ that offered the same or less content. There is nothing to support the conclusion M+ is at fault given the reductions started before M+ was even in the game.

That the grindy aspect of a gameplay can be one of the main reason to hate it and it is not directly aimed at the gameplay but the way players are made to interact with it

If raids had no lockouts I would probably hate raiding.

No your not :slight_smile: If you were genuinely interested you would have know that I already explained my points to you and that you choose each time to ignore them.

Maybe if your goal was to get an advantage in each over the players that do not want to do both content. They only need to make the drop rates in each content better and you will have about the same experience. The only real disadvantage is a UI problem which I agree they would need to fix before going that way if they choose to go that way.

Puggable raid. Of course it’s popular. Accessibility is the entire point.

Make raids accessible. Reap the profits.

You said

Why bother making raids accessible if no one likes raiding? See why I can’t take anything you say serious.

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