Tons of options for gear with the ability to go from one activity to the next seems pretty good to me. I’m a world quest player and have all the gear I would ever need for what I do so yeah options are great.
Not at all it enriched raiding. I can farm gear if I need to and hit a wall. Don’t be so old fashioned and try m+
I like playing the game when I play it, else I will just play something else.
That’s me being reasonable, hence why I don’t play every seasons anymore.
I’m not sure if it has ruined raiding but I am curious how Blizzard is going to proceed with it going forward. This has to be the easiest Mythic+ season ever, so, I’m going to assume a ton of people jumping on the gravy train right now might expect the same going forward. If Blizzard buffs Mythic+ again difficulty wise relative to the rewards, I’m curious how many people will quit lol.
I agree, but earlier you came across like you were saying
“If you don’t burn yourself out with M+ then You’re getting carried”
For me that’s how it feels as I like to be competitive with the group I play.
While I also would say that M+ particularly burn me out faster than a lot of players as I do not enjoy doing the same dungeons over and over as much as raiding.
Yea and I’m just saying maybe you should find some people to play with that aren’t so “hardcore” .
That’s what I did and this has been my favorite season maybe ever.
I do not enjoy groups that won’t clear content. So the groups that I want aren’t “hardcore” but they’re definitely not casual for many.
You’re just splitting hairs now.
It’s not a choice between gamer diapers or not seeing the content.
We’re definitely gonna have aotc in the next couple weeks.
Next season nobody is gonna care if I did it last week of the season or week 2 like you did.
Why you stressing yourself out so much for no reason?
I don’t think M+ is a problem for y’all I think some of y’all’s mindsets are what’s causing all the perceived issues.
Unless you’re pushing mythic raiding, but that’s just the way that bracket is, toughen up or GTFO.
This about fun, I do not enjoy failing groups and bad players that cannot get Aotc early.
Wiping on heroic for long seems more like something that would make me split hairs.
I think you’re just not a very competitive type of player.
I just want the difficulty to rewards ratio between keys and raids to be reasonably aligned.
DF launched pretty good with that actually, and has gone dramatically downhill.
Ok, well gear up on that M+ scrub.
You can’t be hardcore without being hardcore.
I could before by raid logging.
Some of us don’t raid steady anymore, been there, done that. I’m playing 3 or 4 nights a week, and not dedicating them to a raid team.
But if I should want to dabble if invited, I’ll be alright. So it makes perfect sense to get roughly equivalent gear from keys.
Lowering M+ gear won’t get those of us back on a raid team. You said it, 5 hours and most of it is wasted in a raid, especially if you’re hitting a wall. Just, meaaaa
A good key, you just move, 25 minutes and done. It’s just fun. And it’s there to help you get another chance to upgrade, so what really is the problem?
I guess hardcore got redefined and you aren’t it anymore then
Never claimed to be really hardcore, I just like raiding and raiding with a group that wipes for more than 3 weeks on heroic seems a nightmare. I’d rather pug than to join a group like that.
If a restaurant opens across the street and takes all your customers, whose fault is it? The new restaurant for offering something everyone wants, or you for not offering what everyone wants?
Ok, whatever. I’m having fun so I’m gonna go have more fun and you can complain on the forums.
Yea you’re welcome. Hopefully you get an Aotc someday.
Blizz letting players get mythic gear by talking to a vender and asking nicely would make it the most popular form of gearing every created.
Maybe that means it’s restaurant gives the people what they want?
I mean I really like mythic+, but overall the difficulty to reward ratio between raiding and key is an ocean apart. Especially this season.