Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Gearing in raid is terrible right now independent of what happens with M+. The idea that an 18 person raid might only see 3 drops on a boss (chance for 4), and the items that drop are independent from the raid comp. Sure is cool to see 2 daggers and a polearm drop with no one that can use them.

I haven’t even seen Pip’s Friendship Badge drop yet on heroic, let alone winning a roll on it. Why would I count on the given loot odds in raid to gear? The idea that M+ is to blame for this is disingenuous; if it didn’t exist, the raid gearing system would still leave much to be desired.


No you don’t, stop lying.

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How when delves only offer heroic at max ilvl gear as already stated?

Most people are happy enough with H Raid gear, just as I am.

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Also the statement “at max ilvl gear” is doing a lot of heavy lifting when it’s unknown the conditions that that will entail.

Like you could get Heroic level gear from Visions of N’zoth, but that came so late in the season that for the vast majority of players the gear was pointless when they got to it.

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Most people underestimate themselves, most will have fun and probably get much more progression than they think if they’re not restricted by other people and can practice/play on their own terms.


I feel that all gear out in the open world should be the same capped level of power and that extra power and progression inside raids, M+, PVP etc should come from progression in that game mode. The best way of powering up in M+ should not be getting raid gear and vice versa.

Progression is what is fun, right now the only progression comes from gear. That should change IMO. There should be skill based rewards for completing and engaging with content and not RNG ones (unless the RNG is cosmetic only).

Skill should reward power, RNG should reward cosmetic.

Edit: you should also not be able to leap frog over content or invalidate it by getting Mythic gear so that it is trivial.


raiding not adapting to modern times has ruined raiding. it is not fun. what functional adult wants to schedule 6+ hours per week to group with 19 other people and wipe because jack the stoner cant stop standing in the same bad mechanics all season? count me out, raiding sucks.


I’m going to heavily disagree and say they you’ll get higher and faster spending 2 hours a week doing 4 keys rather than clearing the normal raid.

About equal amount of drops, higher rewards from the vault, and higher crests for upgrades.

I think it has made heroic raiding way more approachable and I think that’s a good thing.

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Raid design and raid reward design has

Raiding needs to be changed into Raid+


If anything heroic raiding participation has melted over the last expansions since m+ as we’ve seen with data from wowprogress.

It’s not more approachable if you need to compete in term of ilvl with people that do M+ or had to farm borrowed powers.

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I feel its just different types to play the same game…I liked mythic +its fast and you can learn the fight easy… but the raids is where you get your tier gear and the gear is based on the content you play… so if you are a mythic plus love and you need ger to progress in mythic plus you stay there … if you want top progess in teh raid atmosphere you stay in raid…

Sounds like you need to find a more casual raid group. Casual heroic raiding is a thing now, M+ made that happen.

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If you want to clear content you don’t go in those groups. I pugged Aotc on week 2.

Casual heroic raiding was a thing before M+

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Idk what you want man.
I like things the way they are and was stating such, sorry you disagree that it’s good.


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Not have to do m+ as much to get into raids.
They made the bar higher for everyone. :shrug:

It’s why I don’t play every patch anymore M+ just burns me out. I’d rather raid log after 2 weeks.

It’s easy to get into raids when you have friends. Pug life ain’t no life.

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And it doesn’t feel great to be carried or to not be able to help your group as much if you do not do everything in your power reasonably to do better.

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Maybe pushing yourself into burn out isn’t “reasonable”

It sounds like you’re just being too hard on yourself tbh.