It’s largely due to the ilvl gap being significantly larger than the previous season and damage scaling making keys significantly easier. Many of this seasons keys are also mechanically easier with the exception of DOTI.
25 dropping myth tracking gear is not a set in stone sort of thing, merely a suggestion; it would be aimed at providing equal difficulty to the end tier bosses in mythic raid. RNG and GV randomly rewarding myth quality items should not be the singular means of acquiring gear upgrades for those doing keys at and or above that difficulty level.
I swear blizz employees responsible for certain things would be better off being replaced by chimps when it comes to loot acquisition, pvp balance, and class design; might as well lump story in their too, sadly.
I’m literally only logging in right now to do 8x 18+ per week to get vault slots and aspects for full upgrades since it is the only place I can get that level of gear considering how mythic raiding is monstrously time consuming, way harder than clearing 20s, and hard to get into a group for…
M+ and the vault gearing is a joke with how strong it is. Heroic raid vault should at least offer the same vault rewards as high M+ keys and TBH it should drop aspects as well (at least off of like half the bosses or so…)
You have twice the chance of getting an item from a mythic+ run than from the raid (2 drops per 5 in keys to 1 drop per 5 in raid).
Any team capable of running heroic Amidrissel in an hour is 99% also doing +20 keys and are getting aspect crests and mythic track gear to make that happen.
The gear cap for heroic only raiding is 476 except for the rare Fryakk trinkets and the legendary., compared with doing 18s is 483/486/489 despite 18s being easier than most of the heroic raid bosses.
Not only that but even in semi serious heroic/early myth prog guilds, by not actively participating in all forms of pve content you’re holding yourself and raid team back by not supplementing your gear. You’re also at risk of being benched the more serious your group gets.
It gives you the ability to farm gear on par with heroic, while earning better crests to upgrade it and higher ilvl rewards in the vault than a heroic raider will see. I don’t think ruined it but it is so good that everyone in my raid team that just cleared heroic this week is also doing basically mythic+ to gear up.
This is why I didn’t raid in Shadowlands. I didn’t want to do M+, so I fell behind the entire guild, benched myself then just quit.
You might as well not even be in a guild if you don’t do M+. People are perfectly fine with this content hell they’ve implemented, it’s odd to me, they like friction, they like to see people struggle.
To be fair, that is irrelevant to our conversation. As a heroic raid will gain ZERO aspect crests a week, were as a mythic+ player during similar tier content will be getting them from every 16+ they time. Not to mention having access to higher ilvl rewards in the vault.
Again I am not saying it ruined it but it is clearly superior in many ways to similar raiding tier.
That is if you go in with an assumption that everyone needs loot and the items are dropping in a personal loot manner. If you are the only demon hunter in the group the warglaives are all yours, same for other weird weapon types like daggers, guns/bows/crossbows, and even tier depending on group comp. Raid IS more efficient for log in once weekly gearing then m+. Doing both will drastically speed up gearing, but acting like raid is a bad source of loot because of the caps is silly.
And my argument is entirely on time and effort for gear vs gear caps. If you want to invest 2 hours a week on an alt doing a normal raid and getting your 3 cache weekly and maybe 1-3 pieces is way way way more efficient then pugging m+ unless you are carrying keys as an low gear tank.
Doing both obviously is fastest if you want max gear quickly, but as far as rate of gearing goes raid trumps m+ assuming its doable. And it isn’t strictly a mathematical thing since raid drops aren’t personal loot. its not have 2/5 chance to get loot off a boss since it comes down to loot that you can use dropping. Especially for things like daggers/glaives/guns.
If you want to gear up an army of alts to heroic ready level it would be more efficient to take one alt a day into normal rather then spam keys with them until 480 on repeat.
If you don’t have a lot of time each week raiding is generally better. If you have a lot of time mythic plus is better but each is subjectecd to RNG and most people don’t even do the content where grinding like crazy is justified.