Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Fun fact, we surpassed that this tier in week 3 because of Mythic+ and crests.

Oh you will, RWF are always a couple ilvl far from the cap. Most of the reason to split run early is to gear tier sets.

Also have fun checking

for the M+ runs he farmed on the first and 2nd week.

He literally hasn’t run since then.

RWF players split run, normal players I’d say by large don’t.

Would an entire tier of runs be able to surpass them in ilvl? (Without m+) Probably a 4 day raid guild logistics wise cause you can’t extend… not so soon anyway.

Yes because of the upgrade system.
And yes like you said this would mean probably never extending or mostly extending on the last 2.
Which is how it worked before.

But you’ll be very late on prog and arguably that might make CE out of reach.

Time killed raiding we have lives and jobs some have kids and so on.

Not alot of ppl have the time to devote 2days a week and 3 hours minimum.

Yet alone all agree to a time and day.

failed to get CE in previous tiers, even with the aid of m+. Without m+, think I would’ve fallen far short of the mark.

Got CE last tier because I joined a guild on sark.

Yet people raid in many games and raiding is still alive and people even massively raid on classic. Lot of normal people have the time to raid 2x3 hours a week, you just choose not to because you don’t like it as much.

We even have that term for some classic guilds : dadguilds

Because the raid logging dream is still alive there and people exactly will play 2x3 hours a week.

Thought FFXIV was the other popular game with raids. Anything else?

Other mmos have raiding too, but FF14 is just the only other one that is very popular.

Lol u dont know me i like raiding i just legit dont have time and like me theres alot that dont have the time.
Im not saying no one raids im just saying some of us cant.

If you really wanted to raid, you’ll make the time.

Hop in for a boss, for 10 minutes or I should say 40 (same as the longest key.)

I only said that for most normal people that was a choice, if you truly believe that you can’t it’s fine. Pushing it further would be too personnal.

Really not that simple my guild raids when im at work.

There are different guilds.

I love mine

Sure but if you can’t raid with them you can have another one for raids.
I have played on EU because that fitted my schedule better before xd

Can still share a discord, join an in game community for chat purposes. (Cross realm too, faction maybe?)

Not at the hours i play tried that no thanks

Depending of your schedule and ping you could try to play on EU.

Think the lowest block I’ve seen for a guild to raid is 1h 30 mins. I think I saw at least one post with one hour.