Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Trading up to aspects is foolish when you can get them from M+ with laughable ease.


Yet the point is time spent.

Laughable ease is still 20~30 minutes per 12 crests because if doing M+ for Aspects, might as well go all the way and at least do an 18 for Myth-path vault and doing +20s shaves off the amount of Aspect crests youā€™d ultimately need in the end. Thereā€™s bound to be a week where I say, ā€œYa know, I only need 15~45 crests to upgrade the item I got this week, Iā€™ll just cash in my free Aspects and skip spending 40 minutes to 2 hours in M+ this week so I can do something else.ā€

Either way, wyrm crests serve no purpose but to be traded up by the time you are needing Aspects so unless you decide you absolutely must fill your vault every week, there will be times where it would be more time-efficient to simply throw them in to be upgraded.

Well, yeah. Good thing +20ā€™s are laughably easy, too.

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Well you only get the option when all of your gear is passed 476 anyways

You also canā€™t trade up if the ones youā€™re trying to get are already capped; it doesnā€™t break the cap.

So like if Iā€™m capped on Aspect for the week, I canā€™t trade up Wyrm to get Aspect, because Iā€™m already capped on Aspect.

The whole trade-up system is pretty useless.

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No not for me. It gives me other options and other things to participate in outside of raid that help progress my character in a meaningful way. SO I like it.

Balefire, tyr stone, hour glass, Iridal, coagulated genesaur blood, etc.

While I admit the raid tends to have more powerful weapons and trinkets then keys, they still have a lot of very strong ones with some BiS as well. Itā€™s probably 60/40 in the raids favor, except you get unlimited tries for keys and they are also easier than the raid pretty much across the board.

I join a pug for the last 3 heroic bosses I know there is a very high chance it ends in wipes and disbands.

I join a +20 key pug and I know itā€™s virtually impossible to fail no matter how terrible the group is. There is so little going on and to handle it all just falls over.

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The biggest thing about M+ and Raiding is that in Raiding you can get Mythic level rewards from the raid itself. In Mythic+ you have to wait till the end of the week for your Mythic level reward. Both have the drawback of offering crap you donā€™t need. The biggest drawback to M+ is that you have to choose between the Raid and M+ items, you can only have one. But in raid you could get lucky and a couple of items could drop you need and you dont have to wait on the vault lottery.

Game is better now that you can progress your character for playing the game outside of raid logging 2-3 hours per week.


Yea I was pretty pfft off about this as well. I am constantly capped each week on Aspects.

This also ignores extend progression, where you get nothing from raiding and must rely on M+.

Which is dumb.

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Eh. Thatā€™s a bit of hyperbole because Iā€™ve seen plenty of people fail on Tyr, Yazma, the golem in Waycrest Manor, Deios. Though itā€™s hard to say which things people fail the most on because I have also seen just as many people have a hard time running into balls on Smolderon, not flying into a death laser on Tindral, and not dropping lines on seeds on Fyrakk.

The difference between raid and M+ pug success/failure is that a raid can easily replace a player, assuming you knock out your raid-pugging on Tuesday when most of the quick reclear groups are going, so less time is wasted where you can spend 20 minutes in a M+ only to have the healer eat spiders and die instantly over and over again and render more time spent for nothing.

This concept is lost on these M+ players. Blizzard basically duped a ton of players into repeating the same content over and over again. At least with raiding, you have an end point. The same can be said for most of the content in the game, except for M+.

M+ was a home run for Blizzard when it comes to keeping a segment of players just grinding the same miniscule recycled content over and over again. From a resource perspective, Blizzard hit the jackpot, because they donā€™t have to make new content.

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I remember when it came out, they got me for a season. I farmed up the leather boots from Eye of Azshara.

Then the next tier came out, and they just extended the illvl on new drops, and I was likeā€¦ ā€œWait, so now I have to start running the dungeon all over again, to get the same pair of boots Iā€™m already wearing. Again?ā€


Exactly, this isnā€™t MMO content, it is ARPG content which works in those games because you have a million build options for your class, also the amount of content that gets recycled in an ARPG season is far bigger than what M+ offers.

I donā€™t care if M+ exists, they just need to make it a side game again and get it out of the gear progression.

I honestly donā€™t think M+ actually appeals to that many players, I think the amount of people that actually enjoy that boring repetitive content is rather small.

I encounter so many retail refugees in Classic that tell me M+ drove them out of retail.

I think adding M+ to WoW caused WoW to have a huge identity crisis, the game is trying to balance around a system that is ripped from an ARPG in an MMORPG that has 39 specs and largely works requires people to group up.

It has been a nightmare to balance.

The bigger issue that no one talks about is how lazy Blizzard has been at actually making new content that people that donā€™t want to raid. M+ was a bandaid fix here, and it was a lame one at that. They basically didnā€™t really make any new content here, they just added infinitely scaling content of content they would have made anyway for a new expansion.

Extremely lazy on their part, and it shows the current developers donā€™t have a clue how WoW operated for over a decade.

I see this level of fail a lot with the current team, they really donā€™t understand WoW, or MMOs, so many new systems just suck for a MMO setting. Iā€™m over it, and this is why Classic versions of the game are seeing a huge resurgence in popularity. Classic has been going strong now for almost 5 years.


And players celebrate it. The mental gymnastics are so great everytime they add older dungeons from BfA or Legion back into the rotation. ā€œBut itā€™s a great solution, because otherwise we would always have the same 8 dungeons and an even bigger content drought!ā€ ā€¦ yeahā€¦ no. An even better ā€˜solutionā€™ would be if Blizzard actually started to develop more dungeons again during the runtime of an expansion, but instead we get even less at the start of an expansion and aside from a single mega dungeon thereā€™s just nothing else anymore.


Yep, this is a very telling sign that M+ isnā€™t as popular as people think it is, because if it was, we would be getting more 5 man dungeons.

Edit: It is funny seeing the same names over and over again trying to defend M+. I had to put so many of these guys on ignore, because their arguments are boring and all just very tiring. Completely clueless players as the negative impact M+ has had on the game.

New content always isnā€™t possible or itā€™s at random.

Cata had ZA,ZG and caverns of time dungeons.
MOP hadā€¦ zero?
WOD had ā€¦ zero?
Legion had Karazhan, seat of the Triumvirate, Catherdral of Eternal Darkness
BFA had Mechagon
Shadowlands had Tazavesh
Dragonflight has Dawn of the infinite.

Eh, my success rate pugging 20s as a healer is 100% (18 runs per raider.io) so far while my success rate pugging the last 3 bosses is 1 kill and many many wipes.

Again, not saying these bosses are hard or too hard, just comparatively 20s are just that easy.

Iā€™d argue theyā€™ve been adding just as much content post mythic+ as pre-mythic. Especially legion and BFA.

I really enjoy keys overall, just the difficulty to reward ratios are out of wack.