Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Nah, you would have kept playing. There is no way that M+ is the only thing keeping people playing WoW. So tired of seeing this lame excuse.


This is true. MoP/ WoD were smashing successes. Millions totally did not quit. Game definitely did not almost die.

I get it. You are hung up on pugging mythic raids. Doesnā€™t work. If they are easy enough to pug, they arenā€™t mythic. If they are too difficult, even less people would do them, than the few that already do.

Accept that the average wow player is average. Wonā€™t kill any mythic bosses, wonā€™t time any 20 keys. Wonā€™t get 2k. And thatā€™s okay. Average players can still get nice gear.

I hope so. Mage tower and 5 mask visions were great.

To me it doesnā€™t matter if that I personally do not find a segment of game play unfun and so I refuse to do it. I am not a fan of mythic +, however for those who like it and stick around because of it. I am happy they have something in the game they enjoy.

Outside of S1 of DF and S3, M+ is 99% of what I did. In season 2, I ran to KSH, did a few toons to KSM, then got bored and went and played other games. M+ is 99% of my gameplay in this game; it isnā€™t an excuse for me, especially now that dungeon pools rotate. -shrugs-

I donā€™t like questing, tmog runs, pvp is hit and miss, and raiding is hit and miss. Not much else for me to do but M+.

Personally, I feel M+ gear rewards made raiding better.
People can gear for them faster, and strive for rewards that are earned from raiding of which they canā€™t obtain from mythic plus.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m against people on the forums suggesting to give raid-uniquely-earned-rewards to M+ (such as the mounts & titles).

I also feel however, it creates room for a more diverse playerbase. :slight_smile:
So yeah, Iā€™m all for Mythic Plus.

Sounds like you would be better off playing another online game if youā€™re only playing WoW for M+.

You heard it here boys. If you like dungeons, you shouldnā€™t play wow.


Really? Which game has as good, if not better, challenging, teamwork-oriented PvE content than WoW? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

BTW, Iā€™m still waiting for your answer as to what the great utopian MMO version of WoW looks likeā€¦

Meanwhile Shadowlands happened and BFA was a resounding success right? xd
Legion was a flash in the pan. Dragonflight has tried to bring stuff back to normal but at the cost of feeling very ā€œmehā€.

Current direction with M+ didnā€™t save the game, if anything it forced their hand and they had to make Classic and Classic has been their savior in term of growth as that actually made the playerbase grow.

Gotta face it modern wow has divided the playerbase because of M+, the best thing they can do now is bet on making new stuff for Classic.

Some minor adjustments like making aspect crests drop from heroic raiding would be nice but itā€™s a drop in the ocean.

Warframe, Destiny 2, Path of Exile, Diablo 3, Diablo 4, Monster Hunter games, Sea of Thieves, Deep Rock Galactic, Warhammer: Vermintide 2, Dying Light, Left for Dead 2.

Dude there are so many good lobby PVE team work games out there. The fact the devs are trying to cater to people that want to play these games by shoehorning M+ into WoW has been a travesty.

WoWā€™s end game is raiding, all the classes were designed to be played in a large group setting, at least the challenging content. Trying to turn 5 man content into some drop in and drop out high end content not only ruined dungeons, but it requires the developers to homogenize all the classes to fit this content.

39 specs is impossible to balance for 5 man content.

We had it, the game from Vanilla to WoD before they started trying to add esports into the game.

M+ gives the game an identity crisis big time. Classic is packed right now with people, the retail only players just donā€™t realize how many people are playing this version. The devs greatly expanded how many people can play on each server. I think each server is holding 10 to 15 times the amount of players over the old capacity.

Blizzard needs to make speed running dungeons a side activity again, like it was in WoD. Put some cool transmog in it, but get it out of the main gearing treadmill.

vanilla to wod was peak boredom - raid logging.

Raid logging only means having the choice of activities you want to do if you do raids. Not feeling like you always have something to do for power is a totally sane approach when thereā€™s so much content in this game not about power or that you could just be playing other games. Wow being the only and all game that you want to play is bad design for many people, thatā€™s why we got rid of borrowed powers and their insane grinds.

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There was nothing to do outside of raid.

There was always content to do outside of raids even from vanilla to wod many people played the game to farm mounts, reps, achievements, play alts, rp, farming tmog, battle pets or even simply farming gold.

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Meaningless stuff. really. You did dungeons (if you didnā€™t raid) then complained about lack of stuff to do.

People always complained about the lack of content and were always wrong. :man_shrugging:

If you play only one part in an mmo you cannot say that there is lack of content.

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M+ was the greatest innovation to the game.

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Iā€™d argue artifact weapon are still higher on that list. M+ is just non-scaled challenge mode with a shower of loot.

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Artifact weapons are a step backwards.

Dual spec, now no longer functional thanks to that. Forever behind.

Dual spec was totally possible with artifact weapon leveling 1 level of artifact weapon was the same as leveling your offspec. Legendaries are why offspecs felt bad to play.

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