Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

been running heroic raids and ive gotta say the ability to run a quick 16 in 30 minutes for the same level of gear sure is preferable to spending 4 hours in a raid watching items get loot counciled to other players once a week.

M+ allows people to be members of casual raiding guilds without feeling like they are being limited by those guilds. It also gives members a way to progress on their own time in ways that then allows them to come back and help their raid during further raid progression.

The funny thing is you donā€™t need mythic difficulty bosses to have fun in raids. And raid logging on many alts is a way to make more content for yourself when that is mostly the only content in the game. It then become a choice if you want to do more rather than just something that makes you fall behind if you refuse to grind.

The same reason why so many people criticized Thorgast, would have been fine if it was a choice to go there.

And thatā€™s fine to a point. But raiding should be able to stand more on its own than being over-reliant on M+ gear.

I think there are ways to try to balance current systems more like simply making heroic raids drop aspect crests.

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agree that spammable dungeons with gimmicks and timers that give the best rewards in the game was a bad idea

if m+ didnā€™t have the best rewards in the game, participation would tank to almost nothing

it is a classic example of seeing what players will endure for the carrot


You can craft 486 ilv items or upgrade your gear, is silly that +16 give you aspects while mythic raids drop are so low.

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Craft 486 limited to one every 2 weeks. Still not nearly as comparable as mythic raiding.

Gear has nothing to do with crest drops and that is where the real disparity exist, m+ is a way easier source of aspect crests.

Someone that raid heroic has no way to get aspects to upgrade their gear, while a +16(that is just as hard as normal raiding) gives you the best crests.

Crafting gear is probably one of the most relevant things when talking about gearing, beside tier there is nothing that can give you a guaranteed boost in performance every couple of weeks.

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Shhh you are being disgenious lol

I mean, you have 20+ people fighting over such small amounts of loot.

Not hard to see an avenue to explore to reduce the dependence on m+ gear for loot to raid (Increase loot drops from raid or implement a token system like dinars but all the time)

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Nah drops are fine, with crafting, upgrades, vault and catalyst is crazy easy to gear up. In 2-3 weeks you can easily hit +480 ilv this season.

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ah yes, fighting over small amounts of loot when one boss takes 3-10 mins (Including trash) that rewards 1 per 5 people.

Over 3-5 bosses that take 30-40 mins that rewards

2 per 5 people.

The problem with the ā€œsoloā€ content you mentioned (mage tower and torghast) is that they required group content to be able to progress in the first place; not only in terms of ilvl, but sometimes even specific legendaries. Thatā€™s what people complained about. Not that it was ā€œhardā€ but that it was tunned to inaccessible gear for solo players

When the mage tower was brought back with scaling, hardly anyone complained.

Delves are a welcomed addition. There are players who like group content, but there are also players who like a solo progression route where they cannot be carried or have to carry other people.

The same way M+ ā€œkilledā€ raids; Delves will probably ā€œkillā€ M+.

There have always been people forcing themselves to do content they dislike just for gear progression. It sounds like a loss at first glance, less people doing the stuff YOU like, but it will be a good thing so only the people that actually like that piece of content are doing it. That means more people actually go prepared to the raids and M+ instead of just winging it for gear.

mythic ruined raiding and dungeons

We are out shocked that people like character progressionā€¦ in an mmorpgā€¦

Classic and mythic+ popularity do show that getting great gear for easy content is popular with the playerbase which is no surprise to anyone.

Delves will likely be very popular and should go to mythic level gear as long as mythic+ does as well.

As long as is on a weekly reset, why the heck not? Is not like is hard to do +18 to get mythic ilv gear.

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This is what I was referring to.

Not even. Delves wonā€™t be able to be spammed.

Mythic+ rewards are too rewarding for the effort vs. raiding - hands down.

That said, itā€™s been like that for yearsā€¦ and if Raiding > Mythic+, Mythic+ participation would plummet as well as it would be seen as not worth doing.

Itā€™s almost impossible to balance.

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Thank the Light you arenā€™t in charge. Jfc.

That being said, I enjoyed Incarnates raid and I have enjoyed Amidrassil. Most raiding Iā€™ve done in 3 expansions. Fun and exciting raids are important to keep raiding alive, imo.

If it werenā€™t for M+, though, Iā€™d have quit playing a long, long time ago (by end of Legion, since thatā€™s when I stopped raiding).

I use M+ gear to get into raids whenever I eventually want to raid. If I am 445 ilvl or whatever nobody invites me and I donā€™t want to make a group the first time Iā€™m ever doing it. Kind of a lose lose there, so m+ gear is my solution.