Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Farm +16 or fully clear mythic, I wonder if both option are equal?

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You can’t get items out of those +16 that uses aspect so I’ll say that’s fair. (Except once a week, and only for 2 upgrades)

Mythic plus makes a larger gap between my raiders. Half the raid has great gear cuz they do mythic plus while the other half don’t and it causes more drama when you just try to focus the raid. It forces raid leads to police that everyone does their mythic plus each week for vault. The existence of mythic plus makes raiding on its own impossible cuz if you tried to do it by raid alone, you couldn’t keep up with majority.

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This is true. The game doesn’t stop for everyone because the boyz want to raid log 4 hours a week.

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Now that raiding has access to the upgrade system at least raiding gear is a bit more competitive with M+. I think that making crests drop at a higher level from raiding would balance it more. Like heroic dropping aspect. Mythic in a certain way makes aspect dropping from it useless as you’d normally want to min/max before getting in it, you could double the crests drops but really they should just make mythic gear already upgraded to max, I think not having to upgrade mythic gear makes sense.

Then, make the average loot per person around 4 per weeks from raids which would be around double the loot and truly M+ wouldn’t be seen as much needed.

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This doesn’t really help anyone. It would be more beneficial if they let end wing bosses drop crests in addition to the cap.

It would help people from running less m+ to just cap their crests. As you cannot cap aspect crests in raiding unless you’re fully clearing a raid which doesn’t really work for mythic.


You aren’t supposed to be able to. I am all for improvements to loot, but this isn’t something that needs solved, because it is not a problem.

You can at lower levels when it comes to drakes and wyrms, and when you compare to the level of drops in M+ with their respective crest it makes sense that raiding would drop crest of higher levels.

A dungeon with a 470 item drop would drop aspect, a raid with a 473 item drop drops wyrm. Doesn’t make much sense right?

Mate, heroic drops items at 467 which require wrym crests to upgrade. This isn’t a problem.

There are plenty of ways to improve the loot experience that would benefit everyone, this is an over complicated way to try to raid log.

Heroic scales and when a dungeon drop 467 it also drop aspects.

This would benefit everyone that does raid and would make raids more competitive with M+.

This is true. 24 keys should start dropping mythic track items.

No. Most people who raid do also do a few dungeons or pvp during the week as well and get plenty of crests. This is just for people that want to raid and log off.

They do in the vault, while mythic + has more loot early (even if they would double raid loot) it lacks quality and that’s the balance.

And those people should be able to raid and log off if they choose to. People that raid and log off usually play for longer the game than people that play 2 weeks of M+ and stop playing.

There’s no reason to not want this type of changes as it benefits everyone and doesn’t affect people that do M+ already.

Like I said anyway you can already cap your drakes and wyrms in raids easily the problem are the aspects which doesn’t make sense to be capped behind mythic raids when they’re so easy to get from M+.

This is 100% true. The good news, is they can.

Crests are an evolution of valor. It’s a dungeon currency. Of course it primary source is dungeons.

If you want to suggest mythic raiding dropping crests in addition to the weekly cap, I’d be all for it.

The upgrade system and adding it to raid was to make raids more competitive as without it there wasn’t much reason after early weeks tier to keep running heroic raids.

It’s not meant to be a dungeon currency when you can cap it with raids, just that the difficulty of them dropping doesn’t make sense in raids compared to dungeons.

Dropping after the cap in raid, while that would work that would just means you have 2 different caps. While that would be better than nothing I don’t think you’d make people that run M+ mainly happy with that kind of change. Which is why buffing raids crest drops by a level is a simpler solution.

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Was added because people complained about having to farm +2s for currency.

Then why are people complaining about not being able to cap it by raid logging?

Who cares. This is wow. If you don’t plan on raiding, bis is gonna be hard to come by. Been that way for 20 years…

Because it was never designed in mind with farming +2s, which is why it had a cap early on so you couldn’t just upgrade a +2 easily. But then they removed the cap which unleashed the +2 farm stupidity.

Because you can’t read and understand what I’ve said previously many times.

Ok so we agree let’s just cap m+ to normal raid ilvl. :wink:
So we don’t need this upgrade system anymore.

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They could do that. WoD design worked so well the first time, why not try it out again?

Yes. And people complained. Now it has a cap. It has scaling currency because people complained about difficulty not reflecting the ilvl.

Mate, if you want to raid log and not fall behind players that don’t, just say it. Stop inventing what ifs, or trying to make loot more complicated.

M0 design in WoD was greatly appreciated but again the problem was valor, I’m not a fan personally of upgrade systems for many reasons.

I’ve never hide that my goal was to make raid log something more competitive because I think that opens the way to more players that mainly enjoy raiding and don’t want to fall behind. The same reason why they removed borrowed powers and their grinds, if they truly want to respect player time they need to stop their war on raid logging. Raid logging is why so many people raid on Classic.

This is true. I am not shocked that certain players embrace re-killing lfr bosses instead of trying to push mythic raids. My favorite part is when they “raid log” again on 3 alts, but don’t have “time” to do 2 keys.