Has M+ gear rewards ruined raiding?

Fyrakk in LFR gives 8? pretty sure.

for people to gate bad players - Yes

for loner - fkn awesome

for people who just want to have fun cuz they tired of 16hrs straight trial and errors hardcore raiding - No

as an explorer and do just world quest - we don't care

They just need to make raiding more rewarding. Drop more gear and more crests. It’s dumb a mythic raid boss only drops 10 aspect crests once a week, but you can easily run as many 16 keys as you want in a week for 12 crests a pop.

But it’s not surprising that Blizzard wants to push as many people into doing M+ as they can, so they will probably always be faster and easier to gear in.


Its not that, it’s the punishment for not having wipe protection. If you fail to have a warlock ss a healer or a brez used on a healer near a wipe. Well have fun with the run back. And then the rebuffing and reprepping for the next pull. Also summoning people to the boss while deeper within the raid is tedious.

Blizz needs to have people rez right outside the boss room (like how we do already for certain existing bosses) and a summon stone to bring new players quicker. Lastly just make food (independent of the DF crafting effect) and class buffs persist through death.

This is my biggest beef with retail. The game doesn’t feel like an MMORPG anymore with the focus on M+. The game just feels like an ARPG now, akin to Diablo.

The D3 devs that were brought onto the team in WoD had a lot to do with the direction the game took in Legion.

Retail WoW is a game that is suffering from a huge identity crisis right now. The game is trying to be an ARPG, while still trying to hold onto its MMORPG roots, it just isn’t working, and the game has been suffering immensely since.

The current game only has appeal to certain types of players, basically people that like seasonal ARPG grinders. The people that like traditional slower paced, slower progression MMOs have been left out to dry by the development team.

A lot of the changes that happened in Legion were extremely short-sighted. Ion is not a good lead dev for the overall game, he is too focused on metrics, encounter design and competitive play.

The leadership in charge right now doesn’t have a good grasp on what makes a fun MMO.

MMOs are meant to be played for a long time, not these short seasonal bursts that the current game is pushing.
This idea that you need to be geared out in a month in a sub based MMO is just crazy to me. Yall don’t want to play a MMO, you want to play an ARPG.

Maybe games like Diablo and Path of Exile would be a better fit for you?


Yet, you will spend twice the amount of time grinding the same dungeons over and over again for years. Your play time probably went up due to M+ lol.

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Why would you? Killing all the bosses makes you reach cap.

It definitely feels like the game has gone too far down into the twitch-reflex realm (And I even like twitch-reflex games) but I feel like it’s hurting the game overall.

There’s so much elitism in this game it’s upsetting. I’d rather WoW chill down with all this intense gameplay, maybe look to FF14 as a reference, and give us a memory difficulty layer players can work against. It’s just too intense for my less gamerfied friends to want to try.

They want content too and they’re all being pigeon holed into Normal/M+. No doubt they’re not fans and I can’t say I am either. The number of bricked keys/bad players I’ve run into is far too many. The amount of carrying I’ve done is far too much. I rather have easier content I can leisurely explore and enjoy with a group people than bust my butt in stuff like M+.

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What do you mean by that, dumb it all down so you can do the toughest content?

Raiding ruined raiding because of the time commitment required. Many players have gone more to M+ because easier to schedule.

People grind M+ way longer than they raid. It is why Blizzard likes the way M+ works right now. M+ is a huge pad time metrics for them.

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No mate. I just don’t want to waste my time anymore.

I did not enjoy clearing MC for months and not getting tier pants. I did not enjoy clearing hyjal for months and not getting cataclysm’s edge. I did not enjoy clearing ICC for months and not getting dbw. I did not enjoy clearing nighthold for months and not getting covergence or draught.

Clearing the same raid for 8 months and having nothing to show for it is not fun. There is only so much arena and running circles around town I can do before I just log off. And eventually just don’t log back on at all.

“MMORPG mechanics” like that is what got me to try other games like league in the first place. I get the impression that is what a lot of classic enthusiasts want. They want to log on wow for 3-6 hours, clear an easy raid and log off.


Curios are specific to end bosses yeah, cata was 9 per boss regardless for 25 man.

Both of those issues are fixed with the creation catalyst and the dinars we had in SL season 4 (weapons and trinkets).

We have had all these fixes ironically be brought up in late shadowlands but Blizz doesn’t want to make things easier. The easy gearing of df s2 was good too. Let people get what they want and then leave the game or roll alts. No more pulling finger nails.

I just don’t personally like m+ because I felt like I was always on edge/anxious of myself messing up and wasting others time. And thus exacerbating my latent inflammation/tendinitis even at my late 20s/early 30s. It’s why I preferred tyrannical because bosses felt like bosses and trash was just a mental rest period.

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What is this utopian MMORPG you refer to actually like? I see you complain a lot about what you perceive is bad in WoW, but I’ve never seen you, or anyone really, propose anything meaningfully different, just vague assertions like “MMOs are meant to be played for a long time” while ignoring repeatable content like raids and M+ hooking players for “a long time”.


But I can also do a couple m+ runs in less time than it takes for many raid groups to get set up and try to progress a boss.

It’s not just about collective time spent in-game, but minimum required time per session and dedicated timeslots.

A lot of people nowadays prefer flexibility in their gaming hobbies.

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Nope, it went down and became more flexible because I can do a single mythic plus and move on. Joining a raid group was a set amount of time for our raid time 2 times a week regardless if I felt up to raiding or not.

And since we were competitive, I didn’t get to play the spec I wanted too more often then not. Healing when I wanted to dps b/c we had to many dps.

I can do a mythic plus as dps just fine with making my own group, do it whenever I want too or feel like it without much time wasted. And I don’t even have to do a certain level most of the time to have fun.

(actually now to think about it, my play time DID go up! but not from grinding dungeons for hours to meet the gear i got from raiding, no it went up from wanting to play more since i was not being burnt out from raiding)


Yup. We had titan forging, pvp gear and bonus rolls too. We used to get 4-6 items from chesting keys.

It wasn’t blizzard that complained until it got removed.


I know it seems to have killed LFR participation rates. Which blows.

Yet another complaint post from a level ten alt…