Has it ever occurred to Blizz that some of us WANT an overpopulated mega-server?

The economy with that many people would online at a time would be a nightmare. I think 5-7k would be ok, but after that. It gets messy. Ask some private server players what 10k+ looks like

I think you’re talking to one.

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Not sure you are aware of the purpose of a que. It has 1 purpose and only 1.

Incentive to move to another server. As apposed to a hard cap

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Instead you’ll get people who bot to avoid going offline. Grats, you ruined the game from the start Blizz. /clap

A lot of people probably went and stick on Herod because it is the highest populated server. They will not wanna change realms regardless what kinda incentive you try and give them.

Ok, just don’t complain about queues. They’re not forcing anyone to move. They’re just warning you.

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Not an issue for those that move.

Aint no one wanna play on your dead$%# server bruh. You arnt going to convince me to switch.

Lol, they are purposely not opening more realms to prevent dead realms.

Enjoy your que. Even better, once layering is gone. Enjoy your even longer que.

You won’t be playing all that often.


why are you salty that Herod will be the better realm and make the others look less important?

Because this isn’t a private server.

And megaservers are terrible. Thankfully, Blizzard knows this.

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Yeah and I want classic arenas but I won’t get it and you don’t see me crying about it

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They can give me 5,000 gold and I"ll move to that server maybe; probably.

I’m for sale or at least rent, but I don’t come cheap.


lol an hour wait.

Megaservers are amazing. If you dont like them, dont play them. But give us the option for us that want it.

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Maybe you missed the part about layering being removed. That would nearly make every zone unplayable on your mega server. People in favor of hour long ques is news to me. The posts are great today.

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The whole purpose of this post is about that part. We want the cap to be removed to prevent any type of queue. Hence MEGA-SERVER.

Megaservers are terrible, and Blizzard agrees.

I win.


No Changes™

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We probably will in a few months you can enjoy your dead server that still has layering.

It won’t tho, I get it man you are upset.