Has it ever occurred to Blizz that some of us WANT an overpopulated mega-server?

Classic servers did not hold 14000 people back in 2004.

So you did not play with 14000 people back at launch of vanilla, with no layering.

Max Vanilla server was 2500 people… with no layering.


Phycosorc, im referring to private servers. At the launch, they had 14,000 from looking at the who list.

I think he’s talking about the launch of Northdale.


Ahh. Private server…

So nothing to do with actually WoW… gg


Go play on a Private Server then, have fun.


I was there too, I think there were like 9k people on my realm at launch. It was nuts.

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Well you will have your overpopulated server when layering is removed if it is.

Speak for yourself, I do NOT want to be on a huge high pop server. I prefer a friendly and close community of friends, and not a bunch of chat spam. You can stay on your overcrowded server if you want. Put up with ques to get in. It’s your choice. Not mine.


As i said, you can go on a normal realm without high pop. But for the people that DO want to play with a massive population, allow us the choice like they are allowing you the choice to play with a regular population. We don’t have that.

Your problem will be the bottleneck called login server.

Those pserver megaservers…you log right into a 10K pop.

You will be layered so you what you see would be a normal realm pop.

Ion spent his time inside raid content. Let those who did not raid decide the experience they want. I’d support allowing Herod to be a 10k pop server.

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They’re not doing anything to you guys. They’re just warning you in advance that you’re going to have long login queues and that the world is going to be packed when they shut off layering. Sounds just like what you want.

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Layering means all the help you gave to that stranger was wasted, because you’ll never see him again. That’s what killed the community the first time around.

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You’ll see him again. It’s not cross-realm and it’s temporary.

Looks like you got your wish based on Blizzards newest post. Enjoy your 10,000 person queue, and thats even before the launch LMAO

My wish is to not have 10,000 person que, but have all the 10,000 in-game.

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jesus I really cant stand all these

“lets just have 1 special server for XYZ”

bro… go back to starbucks or something


No changes except for all the changes I want!


At no point in time has Blizzard ever implied we would have larger populations than vanilla populations.

Layering allows multiple instances of 1 realms worth of populations.

Removing the que would only add more layers. Not more population per realm or layer.

That’s not a mega server.

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People would be ok with that too instead of que.