Has it ever occurred to Blizz that some of us WANT an overpopulated mega-server?

An hour… Your entirely delusional if you think the que will be less than 6 hours absolute best case scenario if you logout or join late.

They can’t. The engine they are using can’t handle it. its not even a matter of “they don’t want to”. its a matter of “they can’t”.

Not at retail launch, you didn’t.

They literally made a blue sticky post about this. That literally says they CAN, but they won’t be doing it. Either pick other servers, or face extreme ques.


I was making megaserver related suggestions for months but nobody on these forums was ever into the idea. I even offered suggestions on how to deal with world bosses and what not!

I guess most of the posters who have been around for awhile are more #nochanges oriented though, which may not represent the actual majority of players who are coming to classic.

Personally I think the benefits of having a megaserver and a larger community to find guilds/groups and that will avoid a lot of the original server pop issues massively outweights the negatives associated with perma layering.

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no you don’t. a megaserver is a terrible idea. it would be no different than current retail servers. you will never see the same faces. there will be no sense of community. no respect for peers. any server that holds more than 10k people would be terrible.

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Do you really want to stand nose to navel in elwynn forest unable to tag a kobloid for 3 or 4 hours? Layering will ease the crowding for a few weeks then it will be gone


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It would be dramatically different in terms of the actual game you’re playing and the things many people care about most.

I don’t agree with any of these points at all.

My original megaserver suggestion was to have one megaserver for each server type and then a small number of normal servers for the hardcore nochanges people.

That way the large bulk of people who care more about not having queue times could play on the megaservers and the people who think layering is the anti-thrall can go play on a normal server.

if you want a mega server go play private or retail. this destroys community whether you want to believe it or not


Nope, it makes it larger and means you have the potential to find more people you may jibe with compared to smaller server pops, but there will still be guilds and friends lists and random encounters out in the world whether you’re on a megaserver or a smaller server with no layers.

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something tells me you never played vanilla


hidden profile, i think you are correct

Your analytical skills aren’t amazing then because I played WoW since open beta of vanilla and have played every incarnation of this game to some extent.

if that were true you would know the devastation ruining the community has caused. most servers are ghost towns now. there is no sense of belonging. sounds like you belong there— don’t bother coming to classic

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I guess that’s what happens when you make dozens of servers instead of having mega-servers. They didn’t have that tech when the game was originally out, but they do now!

Simply factually untrue, but sorry you felt that way I guess.


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believe what you want. retail wow speaks for itself. it’s dead because the social aspect was ripped away by megaserver structures. wow has not been the same since


Legion was very popular, BfA is not popular because of class design, item design/progression and things like titanforging primarily.

and I should add that Legion was popular in spite of titanforging and an awful infinite grind system and legendary RNG, which means class design and other things seem to be what people care about most of all.

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You think you do… but you really don’t, In the long run when you wake up and try to log in seeing a couple hour queue, you’ll be quite disappointed.

Are you deliberately misinterpreting his point or are you just that dense?

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BS. If Ivan from Russia can host a private server from his basement in Russia that holds 15k people, I imagine a 24 billion dollar company can do better.