Has elitism destroyed Retail?

Bad players who believe they’re entitled to loot and high end progress for simply existing in the game destroyed retail. Blizzard catered to these people starting WoD, then Legion, and BfA. Removal of snapshotting, reliable ICD trinkets, pruning of spec rotations, titanforging, random legendary acquisition, grind based power level(artifact power, azerite), heroic raid gear from world quests in BfA, crafted legendaries with time gated components gained through world quests, and the list goes on. The hoops are designed for casual players because without them you would get gapped in content and on the meters like it was Cata or MoP.

Sorry but this is as false as it gets…first of all the casuals arent even in the forums.

AND…people actually want content, not restrictions as a replacement for content.

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This is just not true, us casuals pay the same price for the game as you and thetes many many many more of us, we deserves the same rewards, whoppy do you can get carried by other people in mythic plus,.

As for blizzard catering to people all they do is cater to you try hard sweat lords!!


Definitely not false, i suppose what you consider casual can give you that idea.

Tell that to the suckers that argued for keeping the covenants restricted.

No no, I myself was one of the ones pushing for them to be restricted. I have a similar mindset to Ion of: “I don’t like people swapping everything as if they’re a body of water.” You have gear that you can swap, you have talents, you have specs. In broader terms you also have races that, too, can be swapped and sex, too. You have so much stuff that can be swapped for characters that it’s honestly insane to me.

I did not want covenants to be the same as talents, where people are all willy nilly swapping every boss, every trash pack to pull up their numbers. I don’t play by the numbers, but I also find that to be silly and it’s also annoying as a Warlock having to throw down a closet at every boss because this group needs to go swap covenants.

It’s a single button press, it’s just an annoyance though, to the person who has to do it to do it.

This is why I opted in and wanted them to not be swappable. I wanted consistency and people to actually stick to one thing, be happy bout it.

What I think went wrong, however, was blizzard’s balance and tuning got so bad because for a lot of specs 1 covenant was 30-80% ahead of them in damage or healing there was no balance there. If the covenants, as a whole from best to worst, were no more than 5 or 10% difference, best to worst, then it would have been fine.

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Rewards are earned by doing content. If you choose to not do the content, you do not deserve the reward.

Yes we do!


Well, if you think you do deserve something, go do the content that rewards it to get it.

Why dont us causals deserve a way to egt the best gear in a way we choose to play the game, so so sorry mister elite that i dont be belittled in your toxic environment and have more fun in game not being yelled at cause im not the best dps in the world. Maybe get iver your ego its a video game what does it matter if i get gear thos way and you get gear that way. Boohoo. Seriously get over yourself


Because you have the exact same access to the best gear as I do. Everyone has exactly the same access to the best gear as everyone else. Some players just choose to not participate, and still want the reward.


Sure thing elitist, your poor ego just cant be damaged if poor timmy gets a high item level god forbid and he didnt do it the way you want him too oh no. Im done with you your not worth the effort

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Mix of elitism and casual entitlement. Elites push for 1% stuff and casuals push for everything to be handed to them in a day.

I cannot remember seeing a single post anywhere where people asked for restricitions.

Are you a politician?

Are you for real? 2 years ago there was even a mega thread (10k+ responses) against the restrictions and it was plagued by those that wanted to keep the restrictions.

Here is the thread:

13263 replies… enjoy the read?

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on tiem i appled 4 heel spot on maeg and decline i couldnt even sleep 4 days slap in the face fix gaem blizz we pay ur bils

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Anecdotal here-- Most Elistiest I’ve encountered in this game have been mediocre tryhards that really think they are better skilled in the game than they are.

Most Elite Players are some outstanding players who really will help you if you ask. Even if it in a level of content that’s below them.

Again, this has been my personal experience.

Competitive people are competitive and they will always find ways to seek superiority over other people. That’s not the result of anything Blizzard did. It’s just human nature.

So if we say there was 4 million subscribers at start of SL…how big a % of that is those 13k replies? And theres alot of argumentitative people in here posting dusins of posts so its probably less than half that number of people participating…probably less than 1/4.

The hysterical hyperbole is not from the casuals…its from a microscopic but extremely vocal minority, who live in the forums.

It’s from the vocal casual community on the forums.
Happy now, troll?

And you’re comparing that to the number of replies from other threads, not to the whole number of players playing the game.

That restriction didn’t remove content. It was still available on other characters or you could use the long way of originally swapping to see all 4 campaigns on one toon.