Has elitism destroyed Retail?

i dont see much elitism. hell i got all my +20s sticking to outlaw even in aoe heavy dungeons and performed pretty subpar and never got yelled at. i feel like everyone was nice and understanding lol - even the hordies post xfaction

as long as i didnt throw the key everyone was nice. no elitism seen.

i feel like elitism vibes only kick in when it’s time to cut to 20 from heroic to mythic raiding.

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Just no talent in pushing it out, while restricting the product.

  • Blizzard wanted eSports
  • They gave us M+ and Mythic Raiding (which is god awful for spectating)
  • They somehow aren’t investing in PVP (which is far more watchable)
  • The people who thrive now are just people who know someone in each group needs to be a pariah, and it’s not going to be them.
  • No one heals or tanks.
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It’s a joke you derp.

When I form a pug group I generally don’t care what classes people are, and I’m extremely forgiving on rating, too. Yaknow, since a single source of anecdotal evidence is enough to clear an entire community of wrongdoing.

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What kind of elitism are we talking here?

When scumbags yell at people in normal dungeons for inane things, or when your M+ app got denied because there were 20+ other DPS with higher ilvl?

I mean the game is designed for them not for you

Being delcined is elitist, this is a video made for fun, anyone that says you arebt good enough to play with them is elitist!!! And blizzard promotes this toxic behavior with the evil mythic keystone score!!! As if dunegons werent hard enough now they are being gatekept by toxic try hard sweat lords!!! This has to stop.

Remeber us causals keep the lights on !!!

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Well, there are 40 DPS players applying for 1 of 3 dps spots, so now what? How do you avoid declining 37 players?

There arent even 40 players playing anynore because of the toxicity and elitism in this game, never mind how difficult it is to get anything done unless you spend 70 hours a day in the game

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Point remains: more people are applying for DPS spots in keys than there are DPS spots in keys. Someone has to bet declined.

Elitism? Some what. Clowns calling themselves hardcore? Some what. Addons? Some what.
Blizz taking more and more away from casuals? A lot.

Combined these things are be seen as what has destroyed retail.


Cleary there is no reasoning with you and your elitist views, have fun eith your toxic game.

Remember is casuals keep the lights now and once we are all gone perpare for diablo immortal pay to win in your oh so precious min max elitist game

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The only addons that are hurting the game are the ones that let you spam guild invites to half a server with 1 button.

We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that. I really don’t have it in me right now for a richard measuring contest.

I genuinely do not understand the reason for all the hate on addons.

The only reason I see is people parroting the words of a streamer without thinking about it.

Again, I must decline your offer of a richard measuring contest. Your bait is not enough, and I am tired. toodles.

It’s Blizzard that is pushing “the three pillars”… nevermind the fact that most stable structures have at least 4. There is a joke in there somewhere with the decline of WoW’s popularity. If only there was a fourth pillar, something like “casual” players… but alas.

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3 points define a plane. If you’ve ever had a wobbly table, you’ve probably seen what happens when you try to balance 4 points that are not all coplanar.

So, during WoD and Legion especially, a lot of players, and even in BFA this occured often, too. A lot of players kept losing interest in their loot/gear. The reasoning was: because gear quality was good, as in epics, it was dropping so frequently they don’t even care about it anymore. This was true, especially, in Legion with the titanforging thing being able to proc a mythic raid ilvl piece of gear from a world quest randomly if you hit the lottery. Chance of this happening, though, was like 1 in 2 million, so it was very very very very very very very very very rare.

After so many complaints from the expansions prior, blizz decided cause players wanted to make gear matter again instead of just DEing every purple item, that they would make gear matter more. They achieved that by lowering the amount of gear that dropped drastically.

This makes gear matter and mean so much more than it did before. They did a good job, the playerbase was furious because we were used to it raining gear and then now it’s a drought of gear.

Also with mythic+, you still get infinitely more gear than raiding because as long as you can do a dungeon, you have a higher than 0% chance to obtain gear, be it from the chest or from someone trading you an item they got from that chest.

It’s very difficult to balance gear drops when mythic+ exists unless they make it have a lockout, in which case they could balance loot drops better.

It’s just the nature of the beast, though, as the main reason to do dungeons is the constant gear you get from it for many people, so removing or putting that on a lockout, even at a 10 dungeon lockout per week system, would remove a lot of the playerbase from the pool since they would get their 10, then be done for the week.

This, too, actually.

Same thing with casual, though. For example, I consider myself a casual, because I compare myself to mythic raiders and the like where they raid 10+ hours a week, be it over 3 days, 4 days, 2 days, doesn’t matter. My guild raids 5 hours a week total for main nights, then if you count an alt night that’s another 2.5 so 7.5 hours in total, which some of that is spent actually in the que looking for more people. I probably spend bout 50-75 minutes in que in total for alt night, and then on main raid nights if people are missing about up to 50 minutes in que then but no more usually.

I consider myself to be casual, though, because while I do harder content than some I also play lesser specs like Affliction and I don’t even optimize that, I optimize it for my fun, not for numbers. So you’ll see me playing the “lazy AF” talents like AC, on ST just cause I don’t wanna press more buttons. Since I play like that and with that mindset, I consider myself to be a casual player.

To others, though, I would still be considered hardcore. I do a 10-15 keystone each week, just 1 99% of the weeks, not more. I do higher difficulty than some, still lower than others. I do have some days where I give it my all, actually playing my Affliction spec still but instead actually optimizing talents fully per boss. I do require food n flasks n stuff on heroic, on normal it’s ehh whatever, on alt run it’s ehh, I provide everything people need from cauldrons to soup things, I throw down codexs for anyone who wants to change talents. I have my closet up for those needing/wanting to swap covenants. We even have plenty of vantus runes in the gbank and I provide potions for everyone in the gbank to use. When they’re almost out I constantly refill them each week, thus I am elitist to some because I do optimize everything, even while at the same time I don’t optimize everything.

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