Quite honestly I couldn’t care less about your little clever riddle. If it were compelling evidence above and beyond the complete revamp of the honor system and the introduction of the reinforcements mechanic, you would have blurted it out by now.
You think I’m talking about the cave being moved back in 2.4, I’m not.
The vast majority of the time AV existed in vanilla, it was not cross realm. I doubt very much you did premades during 1.12 much less ALL of your attempts in the BG.
Wow, that is some shocking info right there. The very thing that I have conceded on many occasions.
Nice take it out of context.
Did I do it for every AV, no.
I did it for the SPAN OF ALL VANILLA.
Then did it again in BC.
Then again in WOTLK.
If the change currently in place goes thru, there will be NO PREMADE AV, WHICH IS NOT VANILLA OR BC OR WOTLK.
I have never seen someone so stuborn, you admit the cave rez is an issue and still argue the map imbalance…like dude…c’mon…
Did you win any of those AVs?
Nothing to say about how there were changes in AV for horde in classic anymore huh???
Ofc I won them, because we played AV differently then.
Nice change of subject tho.
So just do that and tell others HOW you did it! Right?
LOL, your ego would never allow you to admit that you lost any, BUT now you are on record saying that Alliance won TONS of AVs back then, somewhat undermining the entire premise of this thread, That the Map gave the Horde an insurmountable advantage even IF the Alliance outgeared them.
Nice, why not quote the part where I said we all played differently?
Both factions played it differently back then.
So did blizzard not make any changes to classic AV because I’m pretty sure we can’t pre-made it anymore.
Now let me ask you this could we pre-made it in vanilla?
We can’t assault FWgy because there isn’t a way to teleport there. To get to FWGY there is several objectives such as IBgy and a bunch of horde in the way. It’s not logical or practical to take FWgy without a previous GY to res and assault it from. Riding past and attempting to ignore 40 horde who don’t want us there equals a force of 10-20 who survive and are then whittled down as we have no place near to res while we try in vain to last 5 minutes to hard cap the GY. The only way forward is to take each objective ( SF > IB > FW > RH ) one at a time.
The only way to skip one of these is in a meta where both sides ignore the others offense ( both sides zerging to final objective ). The curent meta is not allowing this so here we are.
Alliance can win but we start behind the 8 ball.
This combined with the imbalance in how many of each faction is queuing leads to a battleground that serious players on the ally side have no reason to que for hence the lobsided win rate and que times.
You can say ally just need to get good all you want. They could but there no reason for them too since AB / WSG is better. So you can live with 3 hour ques and cry about why they don’t wanna play or you can attempt to honestly engage in a conversation about what might work to fix it if you feel the curent situation is a problem.
I , like most ally , don’t care one way or the other.
Seems like a you problem to me.
Once again, Tell OUR Alliance Comrades this secret way of playing that makes victory possible…Maybe you do a guide for the forums
I remember I played back then as well, the first time ( and last time) I liberated Snowfall graveyard I got dressed down by EVERYONE.
You never take Snowfall, N00B!!
I do NOT remember being able to BUT that doesn’t mean you couldn’t
That being said, Alliance won many games back then, so it’s nowhere near impossible. We KNOW Allaince could win and CAN win.
Before we do any of this you need to get horde on the same page
You see back then as Alliance we ran to the right of Balinda, horde came up from our left and went into Balinda as we got to the FOS, then we went to Galv and killed him as horde killed Balinda.
After that we for the tower by Galv and took IBGY,meanwhile horde took SHGY.
You see youre spouting this info as if it’s only ALLIANCE who have to change their strat for us to win, it’s not.
Why do you think the other regions Alliance win AV still? Because they play it just like they did in vanilla. Which they have posted on these very forums for quite some time now.
And again you’re ignoring the fact that CHANGES WERE MADE IN CLASSIC FOR AV FOR HORDE.
You seem to think these changes were for alliance or just didn’t happen at all.
How is that “out of context”? Is there part of “ALL OF VANILLA” that does not mean “ALL OF VANILLA”? Normally when referring to “ALL” of something, it means all of it, and not some of it.
What change? The removal of the numbers?
Dude, I agree that the RESPAWN MECHANIC is an issue, not the cave placement. Because putting it further south puts it closer to the horde base, which unless you are not actually trying to defeat the horde would be considered a Very Bad Thing.
They were made because you lot were causing a wake of undermanned BGs behind your queue hopping tracks. Aside from that Blizzard clearly did not one side running premades. Blame it on horde all you want. I truly could not give a mouse’s fart about your insane belief that blizzard did it due to horde wishes.
Why do you keep bringing up moving the cave? No one is talking about that.
In patch 2.3 they made it so no faction can res at their cave unless they control no other graveyards. That’s literally the only change that needs to be done for people to argue that there isn’t an imbalance because of it currently are wrong.
Awesome, and that is something that I have repeatedly agreed with. YOU are the one that keeps using the word “imbalance”. ie: cave placement.
That change was done first actually it made it so games couldn’t start unless there was 40 people
The issue is they expanded on those changes and may the number of different changes that made it so we couldn’t pre-made anymore. And let’s be really honest here even if the game started with 15 Alliance those 15 Alliance were going to lose no matter what even if the game had 40 of them.
The cave placement is not the imbalance why do you keep suggesting it is the change that happened in patch 2.3 made it so horde couldn’t rez at their cave unless they control no other graveyard.
You’re the only one who keeps bringing up the cave placement no one is suggesting they didn’t move it because of how they changed AV.
Even if those 15 alliance stuck alone in an AV had 40 alliance…
Even if they had 40 Alliance they were STILL GOING TO LOSE, LOOK AT CURRENT WIN RATES FOR PROOF.
Bottom line is they made changes FOR THE HORDE.