Has Blizz even addressed AV yet?

True the definition scorched earth doesn’t adequately describe the defensive strategy.

The strategy employed is all objectives must be red or push till they are , defence over offensive.

It’s not objectively bad. But it makes winning the game as ally twice as hard since 2/3 our offensive objectives (gys) are more difficult to capture.

So if we can’t capture fwgy, can’t capture ibgy, how are we supposed to win? The only option left is a Drek zerg which doesn’t work unless both sides agree to forget defense and we know how that ends for horde so ofc they don’t allow it, and rightfully so.

Your being intentionally obtuse.

Caping FW or IB gy only happens one of two ways.
Horde intentionally ignore the ally offense ( this never happens in the curent meta )
The ally force is three times as skilled / geared as the horde to overcome the reinforcement / distance disadvantage at IBGY.

Don’t talk about skipping to FWgy the same thing applies. A limited force of ally that can’t reinforce and a horde force that will throw everything they have at recapping the gy.

The single change that needs to be made is no resing in caves until all graveyards are lost.

It all gets changed in TBC.

Contrary to what horde believe, or argue. Everything we are telling them that’s imbalanced literally gets changed in TBC for a reason.

Because the map is imbalanced.


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It’s not.

Alliance is just bad at the game.

If you don’t agree with the map imbalance, don’t you find it funny the thing Alliance want changed the most was actually patched in TBC??

I wonder why?

Yup, how do you determine bad at the game when all we can go off is logs?

Also if no advantage for the horde than why is the 1 thing that Alliance want fixed in AV literally gets fixed on TBC??

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Blizzard does a lot of stupid irrelevant changes no one wanted. That’s why we play classic.


Nice excuse…lmao.

It gets changed for a reason.


For Classic no. For me Classic is a “Museum piece”, the last thing it needs is a bunch of ham handed changes.

If you want to discuss changes to Retail or features for WoW2 or hypothetical game that’s a very different topic.

I think MANY of you have some GREAT suggestions for future games/products.

Yet the horde got exactly that

Why can’t you capture FWGY again?

Says the player ignoring the history of alliance overwhelmingly winning the very map version we are presented with.

I have never supported or suggested that attempting to take IB was a good idea. Never once. In regards to FW I specifically stated that soft capping it (as well as the horde base GY) to draw the horde south was a viable tactic to disperse the horde group up north. If they hard cap, even better.

Where did I suggest skipping FWGY, the EASIEST gy to soft cap?

Good god, you still do not get that forcing the horde to “throw everything they have at it” is the whole point. You lot keep gushing saltwater about losing SHGY, yet when presented a way to get horde away from it, you accuse players of being “obtuse”. Doing such negates your whole argument about the cave being too close to SH, as you are LITERALLY causing the horde to back up to the south end of the map.

You wonder why horde players have little to no sympathy for you at this point, much less blizzard, who knows damned well that the map is not what is holding back alliance, and have the stats to show that back in vanilla, alliance were dominating AV.

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No they didn’t, if you want to nurture that belief , feel free, obviously NOTHING will get you off that ledge.

So you agree that all changes blizzard does is for a correct reason? And why exactly are you playing on classic, not retail? Don’t you agree with all of blizzards decisions, or do you admit that they make bad decisions sometimes, which makes you prefer the game before they made those decisions?

The answer is obvious, and your lack of relevant response shows the end of the argument.

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Yet oddly alliance does fine in WSG and AB…

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I love how you keep ignoring the answer to this every time you pose it in mock ignorance.

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BUT what about “Racials”?

Since alliance do fine in WSG and AB despite those that’s even more indication that AV is the problem.

Because u think you know what im talking about and you don’t.

Sorry , I was playing with you.

But back on topic, Alliance did fine in AV back during Vanilla with the same AV. So it’s not an AV problem , it’s an AV now problem, can you at least concede that point?

They didn’t???

Hmmm I recall doing premade AVs ALL OF VANILLA…

Let’s premade AV now…oh wait…

Sounds like a change from this “mesuem” piece you wanted to stay as.

Alliance premading AV was ALWAYS done, infact later on in TBC or WOTLK there was an add-on that made it easier, it would que ALL 40 of us at once and show what game lobby we were ALL in.

But yea no changes were done for horde lmfao.

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