Has Blizz even addressed AV yet?

Sending the druids ASAP doesn’t do a single bit toward winning. They die easily without the ram riders also being sent so holding the druids until then increases the win condition.

Horde started doing this far before people were doing that pull and the horde also have a similar pull.

How about not having then even try to summon until you know the Rams are coming as well? Holding the druids because people did the turn ins and didn’t wait because they were greedy for rep results in at least 1 player stuck holding the druids, 39vs40. Even doing it for strategy leaves you short a player for a time. It’s better to hold onto the turn ins until it’s time to summon.

And most of the time I see druids being held, it’s because they want more rep, not because they are waiting for another summon like ram riders.

I have 1.5 toons to exalted in Classic… I’ve seen ram riders exactly once. There may have been about 5 matches that I partook in where they were even mentioned.


Lol you cannot be serious

The allies losing AV so often is from their own making.

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horde players are in constant denial over the advantages they’ve had throughout the entirety of the game outside of a few instances such as when paladins were faction specific and when EMFH existed (they still had hardiness at that time)

no one wants to admit they’ve been using training wheels forever


Yes they have realized the horde map advantage and are smart enough not to keep playing.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game :slight_smile:

I played alliance in vanilla.

And played quite a bit of AV from 1.12.

The reason alliance are losing AV right now is because they aren’t trying to change their strategy for winning. Their strategy changed to focus reputation over wining and has resulted in a plummet in winrates as they intentionally lose the game for faster rep.

Alliance defence usually only fails after druids are dead and can’t continue the turn in, and other rep objectives are done.

Aka they give up for the next game of “how much rep can I farm”

The majority of alliance aren’t even trying to win AV because their strategy for “winning” is “lose with the most rep possible.”

The alliance have up on AV not because of the map, but because winning isn’t their priority. Rep is.


It’s not the map causing the 90% loss rate for alliance.

It’s your own player base.

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/shrug that’s fine we’ll see how long horde queue times can get.


Quite the mantra you’ve got going at this point. The saltiest mantra imaginable.

/shrug what else is left to be said, some people think alliance are bad despite doing fine in WSG/AB and need to learn to play. Well we’ll see how long horde queues get.

First, alliance spent months trying all sorts of strategies in the hope of getting a win. None of them worked with any decent chance of success and most of them resulted in brutal losses with almost no benefit.

Now, after enough alliance have accepted that “it ain’t happenin”, they focus on farming rep. If there is not any way they can have a realistic chance at actually winning in AV, 1) the only reason to queue up is for the rep, and 2) they will use a strategy that maximizes the rep gained. That is exactly what alliance has done.

I recently started queueing up with my hunter and hadn’t been in AV for a few months. Alliance tried to win when I was doing it on my warrior - and I averaged less than 400 rep per game. Alliance now instead just farms rep, and my hunter has gotten much more rep per game.

I would LOVE to play an AV that was balanced on my warrior. And I would do it just for fun, since he’s already max exalted. With current AV, my warrior ain’t stepping foot in there ever again.


Alliance lost after premades because they were initially unorganized.

The lost more after that because premades got the /afk report broken from abusing it and bots / leachers took advantage of it. Blizzard finally cracked down on those, but by then alliance gave up. Now that it’s not a 20vs40 nearly every game from bot/leaching alliance can win, but they gave up.

It was never the map, it was other problems causing it that were fixed, but not before the defeatist mentality set into the heart of the alliance. But now the true problem for alliance winning AV is their own strategy which is focused on rep instead of true objectives.


As far as I can tell it’s also a gear issue, most of the alliance that are actively playing in AV are alts - while I see horde decked out in raid gear.


This is part of it as well, but it’s not the map making alliance lose at. 90/10 ratio. The map is a very minor factor compared to the other issues.

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The map lead to the other issues tho.

Your 90% win rate is entirely due to the map. The lack of effort and gear on the alliance side is an effect of an imbalanced map. Alliance don’t have the same issues in balanced battlegrounds because they aren’t fighting an uphill battle and actually win when they outplay the horde.

We are living in the EXACT same av meta that resulted in alliance boycotting it in burning crusade. Turtle the IB choke with the insane advantage of having your starting cave 21 seconds away, and take the ez win.

That’s be great if the BG wasn’t 40 random people on a side and any one of them can send the druids. I often hold them specifically if I know the ram riders are nearly done so they can be released at the same time.

I wish that there could be a true leader of each side who directs things but that’s not going to happen for tons of reasons.

I’ve gotten them going several times myself. The real sticking point is the hides but if you can convince a few stealthies to go south and farm them you can easily get the riders every game.

If you can send both the druids and the riders out at once you can often push all the way to the mid and even get a summon going. It can really turn a BG around, it’s too bad that not enough people try for it properly.

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