Has Blizz even addressed AV yet?

Right? I would que for AV more if alliance tried more, but those games are rare.

Break is over, back to work

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Ultimately I’m blaming the map for allowing a strat that gives one side a massive advantage. But yes some blame lies on horde for using it.

This is how it played out in BC, horde queue times will just keep going up until either the map is fixed or they stop absuing it. It’s no surprise alliance aren’t going to queue into games with a 90+% loss rate.

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Oh look. They own SFGY. Now they took IBGY. We are going to lose this game.

Again. No cave respawn and we would have already lost this game. The change is literally that simple.

4 post alt: you can have peace.

Devpower for AV wont exist. Honor system sucks, why bother. Get better gear in AQ or Naxx…heck TBC.

End the pain.

Who are the nebulous “they” you have chosen to invoke?

Perhaps you should read the entire quote and figure it out based on the context of the previous sentence. Although we’ve already established you are bad at understanding words in context…

Personally I find the entire thing hilarious as I play this AV and we are flat getting smoked. Alliance decided to play. Was fun!

If horde play dumb, alliance win. But they have to play exceptionally dumb. Sorry you got such a bad horde group.

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It wasn’t about the Horde playing dumb. They came in organized and smoked us. Simple as that. If you know what Horde are going to do (and you do), you can beat that strategy. They did and the absolutely crushed it.

Yes so great you got into one of those sub 10% games alliance actually win.

Fixed it for you.

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If you say so. I’ve played in a fairly large group of players. We know what horde are going to do and we’ve tried different ways to counter it. We still only win a handful of games and the horde in those games were awful - like mass recall to FWK to recap IBGY awful.

“ :fire: :poop: :fire: sCoRcHeD eArTh :fire: :poop: :fire: “ is a direct result of alliance rolling over at the slightest hardship. It is the effect, not the cause.

Could horde have done the same thing that is being labeled such back in vanilla? Only if the alliance were rolling over like wet noodles back then, which they weren’t.

That’s the thing. Now reverse it because this is how bad Alliance are in 95% of the games I am in here.

I don’t doubt you face awful alliance groups. The ones who care about winning realized long ago that it was a waste of time and most don’t queue AV. But when they did, they still couldn’t break through horde defense. Even premades lost to it. I saw horde gloating about that very thing.

I give you credit for have some objectivity about the map, but as long as we have this map, it’s not going to get better.

I have noticed in the 2 games i qued for in last month the horde team seemed pretty poor. Alliance held SH with ease and had to let up to not push out and take SF or whatever is past SH.
I was on my 55ish hunter so not able to contribute much except hassle the few horde trickling to SP or bunkers.
The current apathy of ally won’t be cured unless a change is made however. The bots and rep farmers are content with situation as it is and the people who could force a change of attitude won’t return because they have no reason too.

Not disagreeing with this at all. The people who could change the attitude won’t join regardless though. Without 10 minute wins the HPH still isn’t good enough to join AV. There do need to be changes though. That game was a landslide that would have been (and should have been) far worse. Without cave respawns, Alliance would have forced us into a base turtle within the first 10 minutes and won within 20.

Nah, alliance try every game, it usually just doesn’t work out.

They left as soon as the premade changes went live exactly like they said they would. Alliance had been in a zerg or die meta for so long that the rest never really adapted to a new approach before they too quit.

But what I just experienced was simple. They rushed IBGY, took it, forced us to take it back while they took SFGY and then held SFGY. Then they held both SFGY and SHGY long enough to move back into IBGY while Horde did its “zomg, which do we get” thing that always happens whenever SFGY is actually being held by the Alliance.

The Horde group was bad. The Alliance group wasn’t stellar either. But they were organized and better than we were and that was all it took.

I don’t think you have been in many of these games for a while if you think this…