Has Blizz even addressed AV yet?

Who is arguing against the cave respawn issue?

You are not alone in that suspicion.

/shrug you’re welcome to post on your character with actual vanilla and BC experience.

Blizz will be forced into action once horde queues reach the 3 hour mark. So if you’re alliance, just don’t queue AV. Ever.


LOL, these posts about AV are funny AF. I love how some guys wanna still cry about map disadvantage. I’ve been in several losing AV’s lately and ones that we did win were about the same as a loss bonus honor wise. I have also been in plenty that result in about max bonus honor and we cap Vanns azz right at 30 min mark. You want to know why ally seem to lose a lot? ALL the AFK and BOTS! I cant tell you how many times I’ve rushed in on a cap and there are 5-10 afk ally sitting on their mounts while I cap the flag! It’s every game, and you are wasting your breath if you try and say otherwise, cuz thats a fact. Truth be told, horde has a sht ton of afk’ers too, and I report everyone I can. I just think horde may have a few less. Also, for the most part Horde coordinate better. They usually will listen to raid chat and at least try. Ive been in plenty on the ally side where there is no effort at all. Actually now, its just sit at shgy as long as you can and farm HK’s. But, honestly I’ve reported ppl afk and so has others in raid, just to get to the end and they haven’t been removed. So if you want AV fixed, Blizz needs to remove the afk’s and maybe ally should try a little.

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I mean, this just isn’t true at all. On my climb to exalted I saw a whole veritable list of different strategies tried, but any strategy that isn’t to defend Stonehearth means sacrificing Stonehearth right off the bat to make any plays, if you fail the very first push anywhere, you instantly lose the game.

Stonehearth has too much immense value to the point that any other tactic leads to us immediately being sent behind the Icewing choke.

So of course it looks like every AV plays out the same way to your pleb brain observation, but in actual reality, it’s that every strategy results in the same conclusion, no matter how varied the tactic tried, and that’s the actual problem.


Weekly AV crying thread.

AV isn’t broken, it doesn’t need fixing.

The only fixing that is needed is how the alliance play AV. Stop trying that Zerg strat, play more intelligently. You know exactly what the horde is going to do, figure out how to beat them, and the biggest thing, report the scrubs that are bots or leech.

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The laziest argument ever…

It’s almost as if we can’t win because of some outside source is preventing it.

I wonder what could be preventing Alliance from winning??

I sure couldn’t begun it guess what it is.


should be “your pleb brain’s observations”

I am sure you need to be TOLD a great many things as you are of the ignorant plebeian swine variety of the typical forum vermin.

Do you honestly believe that you are unique in this accomplishment?

What I am relating to you, which you and the other can’t help but reject. Alliance LOSING every AV is a pretty new thing. In Vanilla it was NOT so. I am trying to remind you ( as we are pretty much all experts in the subject matter). Way back when , IN Vanilla, in this iteration of AV, the Alliance ALWAYS had to control Snowfall and if they didn’t the game became an Alliance turtle that lead to an Alliance defeat.

Like a true ignoramus, your only solution to this issue is to double down on a LOSING strategy and insult any suggestions to change it. You have no suggestion to gain victory but cry and whine and demand massive changes to a 15 year old game.

You didn’t respond to any of my points and to boot you made an erroneous correction (which was wrong) to a word that isn’t even a real word lol.

Things are different in Classic from actual Vanilla. I mean I can’t believe I have to tell you this, it should be freakin’ obvious, but they are. People are better and take more advantage of the clear opportunities available to them.

Horde right now have a handle on the absolute weaknesses Alliance in AV has, and we have very little if any weapon to counter their current approach, hence the awful, terrible win rate of close to almost never.

How much we won in 2005 and onward is so far beyond irrelevant to this conversation I’m surprised your spine is still intact with how far you’re bending over backward to defend your terrible point.

I explained very clearly to you that Alliance does try different things, all the time in fact, but it’s [usually] always fruitless. You can possibly claim to know how all AVs go and make broad, and completely unfounded statements like “Alliance do X every game”. You can barely even say that about your own games, because you aren’t playing everyone’s character.

You just don’t know. What we do know, is that the win rate suggests something is slightly wrong. Most competitive game developers are sweating bullets when a character starts bleeding in to the 55-45 range. The current state of AV is unacceptable for both factions.

Do you think it’s common for devs to go out and say “Hey we know X champion has a pretty high win rate, but it’s simply because y’all just don’t get the hero. You never try new things”. They’d get ROASTED alive.

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It would have been incredibly unreliable and more than likely pointless to try with Q times on the horde side.

Because you are clearly ignorant AND belligerent AND not adding anything to the conversation. I normally don’t correct grammar ( as english is a second language to many on the forums) but yours is so poor that the meaning is unclear AND you are obnoxious.

WE are playing the same game, WE have played the same game for YEARS. I know I have played both sides, which not everybody is willing to do. I am sharing my personal observations from those experiences and my opinions based on those observations with those willing to listen. YOU are unwilling to accept anything that contradicts your opinion. OK, you disagree, I get it.

Your solution is to demand the one side stops using a winning strategy while the other side continues to use a losing strategy. OK I get that.

OR better yet demand the Blizzard make massive changes to a 15 year old game that would be wildly unpopular.

But I am the dumb one, I am the unreasonable one

Tell me about it, they don’t even have the decency to dismount and try to fake it

It was fixed in the TBC patch when they moved the Horde cave back for


… There’s our fix. Until then, we boycott it and don’t cry like hypocrites. We did ask for the game warts and all; so that means a messed up AV unfortunately since they didn’t give us the early version from AV launch :sob:

Seriously, let this topic go. We went as far as trying to ‘fix’ it ourselves by running discords for AV premades and Blizzard literally patched it twice to specifically disable them. EVEN THOUGH IT REQUIRED CHANGES.

If thats not sending a message loud and clear, then you are deaf. Blizzard sent us a message with those patches: "You will take this garbage version of AV and choke on it."

Nothing we can do but wait for TBC. TBC is desired by many of us after we clear Naxx for very obvious reasons. Many improvements come with it.

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Wow, alliance is still playing AV?


WRONG…plenty of Alliance were screaming and complaining about having to start a battle with only 10 players due to Discord Premades scuffing queues…not only Horde complaints but yeah there were plenty Alliance

Here you go…

It’s not the cave respawn despite your repeated claims that it is the sole reason alliance lose. Alliance don’t even make it to IBGY half the time and they still lose. What’s causing that?

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The cave start.