Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

Yeah. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this problem. I guess they didn’t learn.

Cost of convenience. Hopefully you can just power through in less than the deserter time or just eat it and switch to an alt.

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LOL, next time your boss calls you during work hours when you’re working from home, try not answering the call and call them back in 15 minutes. Let me know how long you stay employed for.


There are other reasons a group can be awful to be in that aren’t related to their performance in the dungeon.

I get what they are trying to do here, but I don’t think this is the way to do it.

Shhh, keep that quiet, or wowhead might write another article and blizz nerf that too.


But to combat “awful groups” why not implement what you do for lfr? If you make an attempt and fail give a 5% each attempt bonus. I mean it’s just heroics. None of that deserter stuff applies to mythic but that’s a whole other monster. They need a system to punish people who leaves and ruin others keys

If that’s how you choose to behave, then be my guest. I would just finish the dungeon and avoid the debuff, if it were me. In all but the most extreme cases, finishing the dungeon is a lot faster than waiting out the debuff. And the harder you try, the faster the dungeon is finished.

If you want the fastest solution to this situation, just participate normally and finish the dungeon out.


You’re making a pretty strong case against remote work here.


That is also a choice that has consequences. You made your choice. Probably the right one, sounds like. Why would you queue during work hours? A poor choice, perhaps.


What does “early leaver” mean?

Does this mean that instead of staying in a bad group until the first boss is dead, that I should just leave immediately since I’ll get punished the same?

Great logic.


If only they would make it reportable as griefing.
That would be a better fix than a debuff.

Or if it is a debuff, if you leave/get kicked from x amount of dungeons. Then it should penalize and be permanent account wide.

That would be a better deterrent than just a leave debuff. All people will do is afk and wait for a kick.

I didn’t sign up to participate, no where does it say that. :rofl:

funny thing is, the people who do it for the trinket will still just leave, they’ll just find something else to do for 30 min

No more outrageous debuffs. Just have the loot distribute at the end and if you leave early it’s mailed within 30 minutes (or shorter based on time spent in dungeon)

I’m glad dungeon leavers are getting what’s coming to them.

Nobody owes ya’ll loot, and I’m happy they can’t continue to do this, because it’s just douchey.

Loot is just a random chance for doing the activity, it’s always been that way.

I remember in WoTLK, on my warrior tank, I never got the shield that dropped off Malygos. But you know what? I kept tanking it every week, FOR my mates (and they loved me for it), and ended up with a Blue Drake, was pretty pleased with that.


They signed up for the dungeon. There’s no option in the LFD tool to sign up for one specific boss.

If you want to do that, make a group in the LFD tool and specify what your intentions are. If anybody wants to play with you, then they will.


Not really, I drop whatever I’m doing for work when they call (could be as early as 6am, as late as 11pm), I’d say I’m more productive this way than the old 9-5 and ignore them once I leave.

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Not everyone would leave because they didn’t get loot. A lot of leaving is done because the group is terrible. So now rather than staying in until the first boss at least, it’s better to just leave immediately. What a stupid change.


Don’t you play that card, we all know that’s not what this is about. I won’t have you strawmanning this issue.

That’s also what the ignore list is for.

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cycle through their 80s doing the first boss on each, assuming they have enough 80s, they should be able to rotate non-stop.