Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

How can you be held hostage, when you can always leave the group whenever you want?


I’m just tired of joining a group, seeing the first boss dead already, and then I leave and get a debuff.

These pieces of crap are literally making my experience worse because I’m being punished for leaving their leftovers.


The replacement is put into a partially finished dungeon. With a desirable boss dead already.

You don’t get to trade your convenience for somebody else’s inconvenience. If you want to do that to somebody, you get to wait 30+ minutes to do it again.

I’d say that’s quite fair.


Because you signed up for the dungeon.


They can’t design the game around some people’s extreme overreactions.


You’re fine with letting 4 people dictate what a fifth person does with their free time because it might mildly inconvenience them? You’re completely fine with someone being subjected to a horrible experience because four people can’t possibly be inconvenienced?

You’re obsessed with punishing people for a perceived slight. If you don’t like quitters, form your own groups. PUGing is bad enough without having to deal with people who think they’re entitled to a captive audience.

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Then they could leave too, normally. Seems like you just want to force everyone to do what you want even when they don’t want to.

Bad solution to what is a design problem.

Honestly what’s weird is completing that dungeon is shorter than the 15 min debuff. That level of stupid should be punished lol.


Remove punishments for dodging dungeon queues. People can form their own groups if they insist on policing conduct to that level.

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This is your own fault for leaving after the first boss. Don’t blame me for the consequences of your own actions, dude.


There shouldn’t be “consequences”.

Should we punish people who perform poorly? They definitely inconvenience others.


Tbh I’d rework the loot table and add stuff like this to the last boss to prevent/annoy this stingy mindset.

Its not an instant refill.
I had to wait 10 minutes to refill the other day because everyone dropped.


You made the choice to drop the group to answer the call, instead of calling them back in 15m when the dungeon is over. Choices have consequences.


You sign up for a dungeon, you complete the dungeon. If you don’t complete the dungeon, you wait 30 minutes to sign up for the next dungeon. It’s really not that complicated, nor is it unreasonable in any way.

Just play the game, dude.


No then that would be a dictatorship authoritarian kind of belief. Are you like that or you like a team player ?

If you look at your hand not all fingers are the same size. There is a lesson in that.

So since I’m getting the debuff anyway, I should just stand around doing nothing and wait for the kick? That seems more disruptive than me just leaving and getting replaced. As there’s literally zero incentive for me to leave now, I might as well just sit idle on the off chance you finish it without kicking me.

No. They’re at least trying. When you leave, you’re not even pretending to be a team player. If you sign up for a group activity with selfish intentions, then don’t be surprised when your selfish behavior begets consequences.


Finally. The punishment needs to be harsher. 60 mins for first time, 120 for second. And so on. Make it less harsh the longer you stay? Leave after first boss full 60. Another boss? Cut it down to 50 mins.

Also punish people who queue and go afk and miss their queue. Don’t let them require for 60 mins.

I don’t wanna hear the excuses. You have family or stuff comes up? Yeah well I guess it won’t matter if you’re busy during your punishment.


Make your own group or do follower dungeons.

This is a Blizzard catering to the lowest common denominator issue. They’ve done it for years to the point you have a bunch of “main character” archetypes crying they can’t put themselves before 5 other people.

It used to be if you did stuff like this you got blacklisted off your server.


You just play the game. They didn’t sign up for the dungeon, they signed up for the boss.

Can we stop making design decisions for people trying to control others?