Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

And how can Blizzard fix that?

That’s fair as the tank. They wouldn’t really be able to press on without you in that case. :joy: Or at least, they probably wouldn’t want to try.

What if the person who joined also only needed an item from the first boss?
Now theyre stuck in a dungeon where they have no shot at getting the loot they queued in hopes of getting.

I dont see how thats a better alternative to a person seeing a dungeon through to the end like they agreed to.


Just a consequence of Blizzard timegating the real content and forcing us to play the boring casual crap.

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Not sure why you’re complaining to me. You should be complaining to the people who made this change necessary to begin with.

The one-boss Andy types who think their time is more valuable than everybody else’s.


Shortsighted knee-jerk reaction to players upset that someone left and was instantly replaced.

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I don’t understand with normal and heroic dungeons just don’t work like mythic+ and have a loot chest when you finish the dungeon at this point.

That debuff is a lazy workaround, just make end of dungeon rewards.

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This seems like an overreaction to an outlier situation. If you you thought the previous system was better before, but one trinket makes you change course, that does not instill confidence. Maybe just move the trinket to last boss?

Since you like Feedback, please read all the feedback of us that disagree.



That’s because you’ve never had ME in your group! :wink:


Finish the dungeons you sign up for, bro. It’s not asking much.


Also read the feedback from those of us who wholeheartedly understand and deeply endorse this change.


This probably is the best solution, but i can see people trolling the heck out of it with vote kicks.


Move the trinket to the final boss, do not change the current debuff system. This is a problem with a specific instance & can be targeted with a fix. I would also track down leavers & action anyone who had abandon more than 5 runs since launch.

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Why? To satisfy some arbitrary mental urge you have? I don’t even do this but replacements come right away so the whole things is just people having mental breakdowns over nothing.

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The dungeons this expansion take like 15 minutes. It’s crazy how entitled some people are.


Read through the responses, I did the same thing back at the start of SL when Blizzard in their infinite genius put Memories on bosses. It took me almost 100 kills of the 2nd boss in NW to get the memory I wanted on my warrior. I spam farmed normal and dropped after second boss. Why should I stay? As I said earlier, why be mad at me for finding a solution to a blizzard created problem? If the loot was all on the last boss, this would never be an issue to begin with. They solved it with M+.


This is a trinket tuning problem not a dungeon behavior problem. Maybe one trinket shouldn’t be so much better than the others?

If people don’t want to play with you they shouldn’t have to and replacements are so fast.

I think you’re describing yourselves.


Can you guys fix the “Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found” then? Cuz that’s why I get 99% of deserter debuffs is when I physically cant even join the dungeon cuz of something on blizzards end