Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

Well, it seems that this has finally calmed down.

Agreed, and account wide.

Just put the Sac on the final boss of the dungeon, good grief.

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put it on me too

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It has never dropped for me so oh well. I bet it will not drop for me for the next 5 years.
5 years passes. People are still farming for it.

It barely fixed anything when the change went through to begin with, and now it’s negatively impacting LFR.

Given your previous statements on this topic, I shouldn’t be surprised you’d somehow expand on an already-terrible-suggestion like that.

I think this change had unintended consequences for raid finder groups. Now, when I get pulled into a raid finder wing with 1 boss down, I have to reque for the first boss and if I don’t stay and rekill the last two bosses then I get a 30 minute deserter debuff. This happened to me twice today. Really slows down LFR. All because someone had to wait 1 min for a group to refill. Doesn’t seem like much of a solution to me. Very frustrating!


Yeah, this is kinda a crappy change for those getting pulled into partially completed lfr runs. If they’re going to pull this then they need to add an option (potentially with longer queue) to only join fresh groups and not in progress.

This is a non-issue at this point. Thread should be locked.

In the future they should do what they did before and put trinkets on the last boss. Sadly, the people at Blizz who knew all this stuff no longer work there I assume. It will be a learning process for new employees.

Well played.


Since this change has been implemented for some time and the community has been given a chance to provide feedback. Could blizz take another look at adjusting the penalty for people who are kicked ?

I understand real life happens and folks get booted for afk but there are all sorts of situations where people can be removed and they should not eat the penalty. I’d like to propose either an escalating time deserter debuff by daily or weekly lockout or even a removal of the deserter debuff for the person kicked entirely

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You leave, you get leavers. Deal with it lol.

That’s…not exactly something that has ever changed.

I got a deserter bebuff for waiting on a group to return to the death position to revive myself. That is not a system working properly, I pay to play this, this should not be like some free to play titles that treat people bad.

hi hello just so you are aware, this is probably one of the dumbest in a very lengthy list of dumb things you people have implemented in this failing turd of a game.

Hi Aurendil here, got on my shaman so no one has a brain fart.

LFR deserteur is still broken because it ignores loot IDs. Blizzard is ignoring us as well.

See also Since when do I get Deserter Debuff for leaving a finished LFR wing?

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This Blue Post doesnt address the root cause…in modern industry when there is a problem usually the engineers search for a root cause and then implement solutions…bandaids are never a good idea.

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Maybe it’s time for group finder instances to have a modified loot system more like mythic+, where there’s a chest at the end, and the loot in it is influenced by the number of bosses you killed.

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Yeah just had this inevitably screw me:
was in a TW dungeon for the final levels to 80, afterwards someone initiated another queue - for a DF dungeon. There was a text about being level-restricted to 70, but I thought it was some TW thing, and as a DPS you’re happy when the group doesn’t immediately dissolve after the endboss is killed.
Stayed for the first boss, then left, because I was getting minimal XP - aaaand got Deserter, because Blizzard listened to complainers moaning about minmaxers queueing for Ari-Kara in pre-season and leaving after the first boss to farm the trinket on 554 iLvl, which wouldn’t be any issue in the actual season, since people would run M+ instead for a much higher version of the trinket.

For one week before the actual seasons of these expansions actually start, the rest of the time this is just screwing people leaving to innocent reasons.

Nah, this would only lead to other issues, including being disincentivized to leave toxic groups. M+ has the loot at the end to keep people in the group, because the mode is designed like that, it doesn’t have backfill. Normal and Heroic/TW don’t need that.
Either move sought-after items to the final boss in the first place, or give the final boss a high chance to drop an item from previous bosses, maybe with priority on these popular items.

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I got kill from the boss till later they kill the boss and leave me when I’m still dead. I get nothing without the open the chest.