Since when do I get Deserter Debuff for leaving a finished LFR wing?

I queued and got a half-finished LFR.

I queued again and got the boss I needed to complete that wing.

Now I have to wait 30 minutes? C’mon Blizzard, you really expect me to wait around to do bosses I’m not getting anything from?


This is blizzards Fix for people leaving dungeons after a boss didn’t drop their trinket. Now even if you’ve killed a boss you still get deserter when you drop.

Since weeks ago when it was announced and countless posts were made complaining about it.

New here? You now have to pick which pile of crap you want more. 30-1h killing stuff you dont need or 30 min debuff that lets you catch up on farming some mats for consumables, or wax, or alts.

So it’s not a finished LFR wing.

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If you finished out an LFR run that was already started, aren’t you guaranteed to get a fresh one next time for the boss(es) you missed?
With that in mind, the devs must feel if you abandon the run you’re already in, you deserve a time out.

Although it’s also completely believable that they didn’t even think about how their deserter debuff change would affect LFR queues, because they were trying to stop players from leaving Ara Kara runs after Avanoxx did or didn’t drop the sacbrood in heroics & M0s before S1 started.

To be fair, that specifically says “group finder dungeons” and LFR uses the group finder but is not a dungeon. They could’ve been more succinct in their words.

You left a group that had to have someone else come in to fill your now vacant spot. Someone who now also missed the boss you had just killed. You get a deserter debuff for making someone have to join a half-finished LFR, just as the person who did the same to you also got a deserter debuff.

Personally, if I was in charge, I’d just have all loot saved until the last boss is killed, then all of it is rolled on. If you don’t stick around, you don’t get a chance at loot. If you join a half-finished wing, you still get to roll on all the loot (lucky you).

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Yeah well it’s ridiculous to expect me to stay in a raid for time already spent helping other people get loot.

That said, your suggestion makes the most sense to me.

It’s probably an unintended side effect. Here’s an earlier discussion:

LFR has always accommodated players who were placed in partly-done instances. On their next queue, they are guaranteed a fresh instance, so that they can get the bosses they missed. Extending the Dungeon Deserter to these folks is inconsistent. I’d expect it to get fixed, although bugfixes are coming somewhat slowly this xpac.


This needs to be fixed. You should not incur a 30 minute penalty for doing nothing wrong.

If Bliz is going to punish people for finishing an LFR wing then they need to give us the option to only queue for a fresh raid.

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