Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

Sucks when more than half the trinkets are complete garbage

Well what can u do now i guess

If it were me, I would prefer people leave who don’t want to be there anymore than force them to remain.


Imagine being 30+ years old and crying about being forced to complete a dungeon you signed up for lmao.

Could never be me.

Good thing they added follower dungeons.


yep. like i said, that is literally the definition of a deserter

besides, what legitimate reason would force you to desert a dungeon group and then queue right back up immediately


Follower dungeons need to go up through m0 and keys.


If you have a legitimate reason to leave, then the penalty shouldn’t be an issue. You’ll be gone doing something else, right?

Which is why this change exists. Your behavior has become enough of a problem to merit a rule change. I think the devs must have had some faith in the player base to be cordial and play nice with each other, but selfishness got out of hand and now we have this.

You made your bed. Go sleep in it. :sleeping_bed:


My boss calls? I drop the dungeon to deal with them. The calls rarely last more than 5-10 minutes.

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No actually it is implied. That is like saying I went to a store and took things out of other people’s carts. The product still is owned by the store and you are a customer after all so what is the big deal?

You don’t need anything beyond a preschool education to understand the logic behind this.


Honestly, I’d personally just let the group know that I had to brb (or maybe even not), and roll the dice on whether they decide to kick me for it or not. May not work as well if you’re the tank or healer though :eyes:

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i just keep playing through a phone call personally, or else ask the group to just wait a couple mins. of course since many people in this game have the exact same selfish attitude that yall have, they’ll just end up kicking you after 30 seconds anyway because there is 0 empathy in this community


It’s about an 80% chance I’m the tank. That’s why I bail. Plus I’d rather them have a fifth than go on without me.

Naw if you can’t play with other humans you shouldn’t be trying to do end game in an MMORPG.


Yeah, I only drop it if it’s something I have to focus on (aka tab out of wow, which it usually is, I’m in IT). And you’re right, I’d rather leave and get no deserter debuff than be booted and get one.

why does this even matter? someone new will queue into the dungeon anyways.

why force people to stay in a group they don’t need?


That’s a choice you’re making, at any rate. The leaver penalty serves a purpose. I sometimes have to leave groups for legitimate reasons, too. I apologize, say goodbye and good luck, then I leave.

You know what I don’t do? I don’t complain about it on the forums. I know it serves a purpose.


You still shouldn’t be punished because other players can’t control themselves.

Haha, imagine getting kicked from a dungeon for no reason or one that’s trivial, and now you get a deserter debuff for it LOL

And that person will be joining a partially completed dungeon.

If you got matched into the dungeon and the boss you wanted was already dead… would you be happy about it?


Good for you, for the past almost 20 years, I could leave as long as the first boss was dead with zero penalty. As others said, the group will be refilled almost instantly, why is it NOW a big deal?

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yeah obviously lol

personally i think it should be the opposite, leaving gets a deserter debuff, kicking someone does not. thats just me