I don’t think you know what the word “need” means, friend.
Well, no, because this isn’t old world wow. You’ll literally never see any of those other people EVER again even if you queue’d again for dungeons for the next solid 24 hours.
They might as well be npcs and you don’t owe them anything.
I don’t want to do dungeons all day, that isn’t why I play wow. Do you? Great, requeue.
We’re talking about normal/heroic items here. In the current state of the game the concept of “pre-seasons bis” is a joke when you can farm +2s so easily.
Sure frame it however you want. Maybe its not a need, maybe its a want. The point is, this whole leaving early issue stems from loot drop RNG and needs to be addressed and that the deserter debuff is only a band-aid solution
They are still people whose time you’ve just wasted. Glad to see Blizzard taking steps to counter your line of thinking though.
It’s more fun to have 4 or 5 chances to win something in a run.
Just add the chest at the end like M+ would solve the problem.
Same thing happened when people asked for “Pathfinder” to be removed from TWW.
I think I said this before. There’s a reason why the usual assumption is that WoW Players are the worst.
This is a game where portions of the community that will break its back to justify the abandoning a group in group content because they didn’t get an item they wanted. Requiring various band-aids to try and just get around the problem because one’s personal gain should always come first, even at the detriment to others.
No, it still wouldn’t solve the problem. its a band-aid just like the deserter debuff. Its just with m+ people are more inclined to finish it since, they have another chance at loot from the great vault.
I’m surprised really, as its such a quick and straight forward dungeon after 1st boss.
I was pointing out the perspective.
Not saying I share that perspective, respectfully the ‘stop being selfish’ was a tad harsh given the history I have in posting for solutions:
- BackFill Queue with a bonus chest every queue with either gear/profession items/gold.
- A dungeon token system where you get a token a boss that when you have X# you can buy a piece of difficulty related gear.
- Releasing the content that spurs this behavior.
Regretfully numbers don’t lie, if something is BiS it is outperforming things on one or more metrics, i.e. better survivability, better damage, better healing. All of which are observable metrics. Given limited play time and requirements of guilds wanting to push through normal to race to heroic raid those BiS will at the very least bridge the gaps.
Any solutions you would recommend to fix the issue, obviously with positive gains for the community?
I see the leaving early issue being a problem of selfishness and the deserter buff is Blizzard’s way of correcting their horrible line of thinking. Now, if only we could get that deserter buff to add more time each time they leave a dungeon.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree on the RNG of gear. Its how the game has been forever. Even if gear drops in a raid, you still have to win the RNG of a roll to get it. Its the chase that keeps people playing their characters. I can’t see Blizzard having any reason to implement a system where you are guaranteed a piece of gear after x attempts at getting it.
I didn’t join a group.
I solo queued for a dungeon and only need to kill the 1st boss.
This is the real problem here, this mentality that I signed up for your completion run, then you tell me I need to make my own group because I’m not playing the way YOU want me to.
Point proven.
Good show.
You are correct that it is the way of the game. But you have to remember, things like raids and m0 and m+ give players another chance to get gear via the vault. This acts as a incentive for players to finish the instance. Otherwise, you’d see people going into raids and skipping bosses for just that boss’s loot. Hell, I think people were already doing that in shadowlands. But it would definitely be worse if the vault didn’t exist.
Considering we have less than a week of this being a problem. Nothing. Next expansion where we see this again, just keep the current deserter implementation they just put in.
There will always be gear that outperforms other gear, yes. But, we are talking about heroic dungeon gear that people are treating like myth level BIS. That darkmoon deck vs the BIS trinket is not going to magically make you able to go from heroics to 8s in keys (over exaggeration but you get the point)
Now, I definitely agree that heroic gear is going to be replaced very fast once m0 comes out. But the point of this, is that blizzard needs to address issues like these at the root and not use a band-aid fix like adding deserter buff or moving all the loot to last boss.
I got this trinket on two toons just from running the instances. Sold to vendor both times.
If people leave a key before the end (and the group doesn’t finish it) no one gets gear. Raids outside of mythic are not impacted as much if a few people leave because of flex. Mythic 0 is impacted by this issue as well but luckily people who leave dungeons targeting gear won’t spend much, if any, time in mythic 0.