Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

But that would put the responsibility on Blizzard. Why do that when they can just punish players for playing their game efficiently?

UPDATE: For anyone that wants a fairer system for Mythic Plus leavers, which I know doesn’t exactly go with the post but rather goes with my earlier post in this thread, I have found a possible solution that would satisfy both ends of the Mythic plus spectrum. (Those that play for score and others that just play to time or more for gear early on in the season).

Update: For Mythic Plus, leaving a key (with exceptions listed below) should either cost players Mythic Plus rating OR cause a deserter debuff that stacks with repeated offenses during the week. The debuff stack counter resets after the weekly reset. Full pre-made guild groups or those qualifying as a guild run will be exempt from the debuff.

There would be a voting mechanic similar to the vote-to-kick mechanic that would only be available once the key has started that allows for party members to vote to abandon the key after a number of deaths have been reached. Abandoning the key if voted through will instantly teleport the party to just outside the instance and reset the key automatically or make it so that members can not re-enter the instance until they have reset it. If a member leaves before a vote has been initiated or during a vote they will have a deserter debuff that lasts for 30 minutes of IN GAME played time. @Blizzard it is possible to properly punish those who abuse the system and waste others’ time. Please DO something!

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I think it’s more likely they didn’t realize the change has gone into effect until they get the debuff, let’s give it a day or two and see how behavior adjusts.

I can say that my behavior would adjust to leaving runs and playing an alt until my debuff clears.

Just using common sense here when it comes to what we can expect from the median player.

Players don’t “adjust” to conform to behavioral commands. They work around them.

When those players eventually (soon) move on from your content you will be left to “adjust” to the demands you made. :slight_smile:

I will not have a debuff for leaving a 0 after I’m done with it. Nor will any of the players you sought to punish with this.

Your the fourth person to use “your content” as if its an insult. We’re all doing that content, just like we’re all gonna do TW if it drops good gear, or a weekly makes us for XYZ reason.

I’m a mediocre mythic/CE raider who does reasonably high keys. I’m in no means the top 10%, but the idea that the only people who care about manners are casuals is frankly really insulting to everyone.

I can sit thought and play nice doing content I dont feel particular engaged with because it’s the polite thing to do, I signed up for it, I should do it. It’s really that simple. You really should check your ego.

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again people are overthinking this… no one been rude to you… no one done anything wrong.

Everyone joins dungeons for same purpose. they run dungeons and leave when it fits them. If you want complete the dungeon you click the refill the group. its zero barrier content. Stop overthinking it, there is no intent behind it. Its just people playing the game in no barrier content.

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I just wanted pop back in and say I’ve ran about 50 dungeons now as DPS and Tank and whenever someone drops the spot is 100% filled within 15 seconds every time.

This is a non-issue.


As some say, it’s obviously not a problem.
You’re creating a storm in a teacup.
The LFG fills up quickly, you’re the only ones complaining about something that can easily be completed in a short time (I mean finding players or replacements).
You’re also the only ones complaining about the “You enter the dungeon and the boss you want isn’t there” thing, because you can easily sign up for another dungeon again, nothing stops you.
I don’t see the need to turn a minor inconvenience into something huge just for the sake of unnecessary complaints.
Since there are problems that do affect the game and the experience of a player.
Which are quite a few, I already mentioned them above.

Don’t penalize those that get punted by the group.
What about those that leave because the idiot tank just charges ahead without regard for mana users need to mana up and leave them behind? Maybe create some criteria for this, like leaving group right after a boss fight for those that gear and run.

Because this won’t always be the case, if you want a broader picture, the wowreddit first page is filled with posts of people composing about it. You three have been here for days trying to defend it because you care a lot more about exploiting others then actually taking 10 minutes to finish the dungeon. The fix is in durring the reset. Tough.

smart idea…
but they’d rather penalize people

Reddit is a place where all the complainers hang out and complain together while patting themselves on the back lol, nothing more, and half the stuff is just made up bro-shilling.

I don’t even care anymore, and wont be doing anything less than M2 until the next xpac and from what ive gathered in game the majority are doing the same.

Next week y’all gonna be here QQ that queues are too long lol.

the real fix would be put the good trinkets on the last boss instead of first boss, just bad design, poor planning.

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Yes, this. Agreed, the only time I contemplate getting a deserter debuff is when I’ve taken the place of someone who decided not to finish it, so now I’m going to have to run the thing twice.

There’s no reason anyone needs to be doing anything with their loot while the tank is racing away. Mythic+ doesn’t drop loot until the end. It’s fine.

Blizzard knows how many times we’ve killed a boss on each level of difficulty, so they can see who has a huge history of doing partial clears, so my other suggestion (probably unworkable) is that maybe Blizzard could query their database and remove all titles earned by the worst offenders who have bad start/finish ratios, leaving them with only one: “Selfish”

Thats hilarious and id def be queing with my friends to farm that tittle lmao

But it’s also making things worse for the person filling the spot. What if they needed something off of one of the earlier bosses so they tried to queue specifically into the dungeon only to keep getting placed after that boss because of all the leavers.

Blizzard’s solution should work, just make the leaver penalty longer than it would take to complete the dungeon. That makes the incentive to finish the dungeon, but also isn’t too bad a punishment if someone just needs to step away from their computer for a bit.


How about harsher penalties for forum trolls falsely flagging posts lol.

So many eggshells in this forum.

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Forcing people to stay is ridiculous people say?

Don’t force pugs to be part of your selfish farm ?

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Please ensure that the system checks to see if the player chose to leave or if the player was kicked from the run. I can’t say that I am in favor of this change in general as I have always strived to make it through at least 1 boss when with a poorly functioning group, but I would be very upset if I had almost finished a dungeon and was kicked and given a deserter debuff.

I don’t think this will work unless the penalty has a cool down and builds. If you do it once and then just do something else for 15 and come back it won’t work. It needs to go up based on number of leaves in a day. First free, second 15 then 30 then an hour. Or something similar. It also has to be account wide or it will really do nothing.

Still feels like a patch for bad design. Nothing great is ever in the running for bis should be on the first boss of a random dungeon.

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