Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

I agree, Sadly the part of the game I enjoy requires such activities. If I want to push a character to highest levels and compete then I have to do activities I dont enjoy.

you realize everything i just described already exists in the game.

some people do because they want tank and healer bags. they dont actually want to run the dungeon. they are queuing because bag is available.

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Such an internet answer to an issue. Don’t talk like a human to another human make some oblique reference and fish for something to attack.

I repeat…You are defending selfish behaviour via pedantics. Defend yourself from bad behavior don’t make a system that makes it unnecessary? Why? Why not make the system do the work in a game? Why is it better to make a system that allows people to be rude and selfish?

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I’m reading the conversation and it’s very strange…
Since I’ve been to multiple dungeons and skipping the ones that were farm dungeons or the players have left.
I haven’t seen anyone try to talk or start a conversation, the most I could read is “Do you need the item?” and I include myself as well.
But that’s it, there’s no conversation, everyone goes at their own pace in their own world and that’s it.
Or I don’t know if they were lucky but so far I haven’t seen anyone trying to start a conversation and when I try everyone just ignores me.
So… this whole leaving dungeon thing doesn’t matter or affect anyone except those who are in pain waiting 1-2 minutes.


the point of system is it low barrier content. It has system in place to be low barrier.

And I’ll just say that this thread and those who are “complaining” is how some describe players who see this as something unnecessary “We’re defending bad behavior.”
Now, putting ourselves on the other extreme we only see here players who are “complaining about something that doesn’t affect anyone and magnifying a small inconvenience.”
They are simply exaggerating everything, as if a player leaving destroys the experience of the players…
Or that the players want to socialize
Or that they lose loot… etc.

No experience is destroyed, the same players who remain can look for a new player again.
Not all players socialize, they hardly talk in the chat.
And the loot, well, they can sign up again to try to get the loot, just like the players who farm and don’t get it, it’s practically something similar.

Nobody loses, there are tools to be able to fill in the missing players, the new players who enter can choose whether to stay or not and many times they are rewarded with loot since it’s RNG.
Even if you stay in the whole dungeon, nothing guarantees you that you will get 1 item, since it is RNG and I know it firsthand.

So come on guys, let’s stop arguing and focus on more important things in WoW, because there are more important issues from the problem with class feedback, persistent bugs, bots, etc.

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Simply put trinkets/weapons on final bosses, it’s not rocket science

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What? Seriously what were you trying to say here? What does this have to do with safe guards against bad behavior on a system?

go read the thread. it hurts the average player way more then it does someone farming a trinket.

What they’re trying to say is: “You’re doing worthless content, so, therefore I am excused to be rude and treat you poorly”.

There’s really no other way to take their responses, as not once have they displayed a desire or effort to show empathy.


What is so special about The Sacbrood?

edit: O that thing. I DE’d more than one of those. Worthless trinket.

you are reading way too much into it. its just farming content quickly.

That doesn’t make farming ok. You are arguing both sides here and it is just not honest. It would not hurt most players in a heroic I think. You can’t both say heroics are face roll super easy and if I can’t leave I am hurt by this. Those two things are diametrically opposed.

It is easy content so you should stay for the whole thing. A delay if it really goes bad and you are not farming is minor because it is rare…because the content is so face roll. It would hurt farmers MUCH more than most because a necessary drop from a random is very rare.

If I take the whole thread a s whole it backs me up.

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30minutes isn’t long enough. Should be an hour. In game time too.

It is not even a good trinket…I do not get it.

you’re right I’m playing both sides cause this matter doesn’t matter.

I think overall it hurts average player significantly more. even spamming dungeons yesterday I saw people doing this tactic significantly less. it only exists because of the artificial once an expansion time gate.

it really doesn’t matter. It just people screaming social justice cause they can. it definitely hurts casual signifigantly more then it does the person actually doing the act.

I am firm believer the system in place is more then enough to combat this issue due to its limit timed nature.

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its BiS for most class even for Evoker.

No, it doesn’t.

great arguement

That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

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