Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

Im not, I queue a dungeon just like everyone else. I then hold W down until we reach the boss. Proceed to aoe. I kill everything im interested in and requeue.

At no point do i have conversation, get upset and feel wronged by people. i have no ill or good feelings towards anyone in the group and i honestly dont care if group is full or not. the group can do something or nothing its not going to change how i proceed through the dungeon. Its just stupid easy content and im just farming it as fast as possible.

Ok could he have phrased it better sure… but lets be honest most people in this thread want social justice. call it being a karen or social justice… they want people hung on a cross for their crimes.

the best part about this whole situation is this has happened since queued content has been in the game. its such a non issue that its insane.

Do you get upset when someone leaves a Battleground early? because thats same level of content that is heroic. its low barrier to entry queued content.


You know the second word of that catchphrase is justice right? It’s not some boogeyman. I just don’t want players negatively impacting eachother for silly reasons.

It’s not the fastest way to farm gear, so the only upside is that it disrupts 5 other people. You can decide it’s not disruptive enough for you to care, but it is disruptive and that’s a personal choice.

I don’t agree with the people calling for witch hunts, hell I said it shouldn’t even be implemented until it was the second or third time, but no, I firmly believe we should not support systems that are antisocial and unfair. Yeah that’s a little social justice but I don’t mind.

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Any update on that hotfix?

i guess that is where are going to eternally disagree. Because its not disrupting anything… there is a great priority requeue that fills groups at a record pace and as such no disruption occurred. If that system didnt exist i might agree but it works great at what its intended to do. Refill groups.

there things so much more disruptive then this:

Spamming your carry service all day long in town, Leaving keys after first death, ninja pulling a boss in raid, intentionally messing up hunter legendary bow quest.

in all these situation the original player lost resources… this didnt occur during the heroic dungeon run.

I would not call leaving a dungeon in no barrier entry queue system as disruption. especially when imediate next prompt is would you like to requeue and refill.

Got it. You’re anti-social, and not very empathetic - it shows in your replies to this topic.

How about this. Whoever fills your spot in a run…you get whatever their wait timer was as a deserter buff…just in case they wanted the first boss.

Next guy was waiting a minute in line…well just in case he wanted that first boss.

He was waiting 20 minutes and ,14 seconds …you get that now.

That seems fair to me.

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What about everyone else who wants the same trinket off that boss?

The next person no matter what missed a portion of the ride. Less loot and less of a run for nearly the same queue wait. It barely hurts the run but it hurts the queue system.

Or remove the deserter debuff, and remove the item/gold from their inventory so they’re at a net negative (repairs). That item then goes to the person who replaced you.

I enter heroic dungeons with a goal of completing the farm as soon as possible. Its boring content about on the level of grinding rep and daily quests.

yes I do try to complete my objective as fast as possible because I view it as chores. guess what having a conversation goes against going fast. its nothing against people I group with its just not part of the objective.

oh no! a 10 second wait to find a replacement! what a horrible inconvenience!


As i have stated earlier in the topic this can be fixed by understanding the queuing mechanics.

if you queue directly for the dungeon you will always get a fresh dungeon. if you queue random heroic you will get what you get may be refill may be different dungeon. during this type of queuing you get offered gold, Bags and other stuff. Its incentive to queue in this way.

You don’t see how crappy it is for the replacement character? Or just in general?

95% of common niceties in society are not a huge endeavor to overcome. They are just rude and selfish. They are pushed back on because they are taking from others. Taking candy from a baby isn’t a huge deal…candy is cheap and easily replaced …it’s just gross and messed up.

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If you view a leisure activity as chores then maybe it’s just time for you to stop doing that activity, or it’s time for you to try to make it your career.


why would it be crappy? they get a shorter run for the same reward, unless they happen to care only about loot from the first boss.

if i’m tank/heal queuing random heroics for the satchel, i love partial runs!

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You are defending selfish behaviour via pedantics. Defend yourself from bad behavior don’t make a system that makes it unnecessary? Why? Why not make the system do the work in a game? Why is it better to make a system that allows people to be rude and selfish?

No, they get a shorter run for a lesser reward.


What? One less boss. One less loot drop …in a run being farmed for that loot drop. That is complete bs.

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so you’re assuming that every tank is running heroics solely for that one drop?

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I am assuming you don’t know what they want and taking one boss out does not give them anything. You are assuming they want fewer bosses per queue minute which is preposterous.

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as a person who tanks/heals randoms, i can say for a fact that i often do want exactly that. not sure how else to explain that to you. not everyone wants exactly what you want. :man_shrugging:

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