Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

So I’m not supposed to play my class how I want to? I’m playing the game I paid for wrong because I’m playing the role I play on that class? That’s not a real solution, that’s an excuse.

What if everybody did that? It’d be all tanks and healers, and some classes would be excluded completely.

Yes they will, it’s a one day lock out for only that specific dungeon and if the goal is only the trinket then yeah they will.

you are complaining about efficiency. so play to be efficient. Its amazing how fast you can farm when you swap to a needed role.

No, I’m complaining about people wasting my and other players’ time. Don’t be disingenuous.

why would they? they cant requeue the dungeon so leaving doesnt help them in anyway. did people leave M0’s in dragonflight after one boss? not that i can remember.

there not though, they perticipated in portion of dungeon they were interested in. If you want to finish the dungeon you hit the refill button and continue on.

If this so called non-dps player didnt queue you would have been sitting in queue longer anyways. So they didnt take time from you at all. because you would have been waiting longer for the queue to pop anyways.

there only so many tanks and healers on at any given time. so guess what you would have still needed one.

I will say, after the third time queuing for dungeons and getting a 1/3 Ara-Kara today I will be most pleased when the deserter debuff is live lol

You’ll still get them, people aren’t going to stop leaving they’re just going to find something else to do for 30 min

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farming the sacbrood on Heroic…those people are lacking a few IQ points.

But, but, but think of their parses!!!

Damn right you stay for the whole thing. You are part of a team and you stay till the end.


There’s nothing that really forces you to stay.
Since the group is not penalized for X player to leave the dungeon, they are just exaggerating, taking into account that you will find 2851097250 players in less than 1 minute.
On the other hand, when they leave a M+ or a Mythic Raid, it affects everyone, since that is not recovered.
As I said before and I will continue to say, they are exaggerating a system that is fine, because nobody loses in the end… unless their waiting time is 10 minutes, but I doubt that is the case since at most in DPS it takes 3 minutes to find 1 tank and 1 healer when they left in my LFG.

People deserting do not only impact the people in the group, but also the folks who are filling in a partially completed instance with the boss(es) you want dead.

A solution may be just that each boss can drop a random subset of the loots in that instance, so you are incentivize to stay for more bosses. You will be targeting the whole instance and not specific bosses in an instance.


I dont under fixing something thats been a thing for years, and will literally only be a problem for 1 more reset.


How so? Heroic is spammable, m0 isn’t, and keys relies on you having the key for it, get invited to one, or the dungeon being a part of the season to begin with.

This becomes “a thing” since there is a longer period people only have heroics or M0 to run. If someone hits 80 late and try to get gears from heroic, the whole queuing experience is abominable.

You can’t sign up for a boss tho, not dungeons. It’s the whole dungeon or not at all.

And what about the person who gets filled into that slot, who now is missing out on loot they were after?

We live in times where people are highly selfish, try not to be.

Did they implement this change yet or is it coming in Tuesday?