Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

I’m all for penalizing people endlessly farming things and dropping groups. It has happened to me twice today. 3 out of the 5 members left in both groups. However, what I am not in for is people being held hostage in terrible groups, regardless if they can eventually “finish” the dungeon.

Be smart about this blizz, only hand out the penalty to those doing it habitually. Not those that do the occasional abandon because the group is terrible.

EDIT: Or better yet: this was already solved. Trinkets and weapons go on the END bosses. Like Tazavesh…

Solution: Use the search engine to find people to replace the one who left.
Obstacle: Nothing at this point, it won’t be worse until next week.

Irritable bowel syndrome, smoke alarm, delivery, doorbell, unexpected phone call, unpredictable PC/network/UI issue, earthquake, typhoon.

Many legitimate reasons.

I made a post about this change, because this is the “legit” reason that I often will step out of queue content like a dungeon or LFR. And it got taken down for “trolling”. Apparently we can’t have health issues or it isn’t a valid reason.

So now I guess I just have to go AFK and hope I don’t get kicked? I am usually back within 5 min.

It’s same reason for M+ I run my own keys, sometimes I have to AFK during a key. We usually still time it anyway, even if it’s only a +1. Life happens. It isn’t worth risking your health just to sit at your desk to finish a dungeon.

I was doing Heroics on a different toon, and people still kept leaving dungeons so I don’t think it even did anything to punish the people abusing leaving, they are still going to keep leaving.

Just install your PC gaming setup in the bathroom so you can play while sitting on the toilet.


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I have IBS.

There have been times where I puked mid-pull, got up, and walked away from my computer to go deal with that.

And like, I get it. This crap happens to me when I do Mage Tower also.

If I gotta leave, and the game penalizes me for X amount of time, it seems reasonable to me.

Deserter doesn’t punish me. It punishes people who want to grab the rewards without participating. So if they leave a group and then immediately requeue. In my case, deserter expires by the time I’m ready to start playing again.


The OP and the Blue Poster must be new to Wow because this has been a thing since forever. If its not a trinket this exp, it was a trinket last exp, or a Cove relic or some daily for the Garrison. An lets not forget LFR, which has been dealing with this since Cata…

An to be fair, this is nobodies fault but Blizzards but instead of actually addressing the issues they just want to punish everyone yet again. Its should be better balanced in dungeons, drops need to be better then 1/500. I could go on but meh, ya get the point…

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That or have not touched grass in a while. I don’t think blue poster plays WoW outside casual-level. Most employee aren’t good to the game.

And this change will benefit the other 4 people in the group.

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Or make normal and heroic dungeons like m+ you only get loot after you kill all the boss. Bail early? Sorry no loot

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The I will be also afk and watching Netflix on my other monitor I can be a bigger jerk if I wanted to.

Punishing the selfish people definitionally addresses the problem? If the punishment isn’t appropriate or severe enough to enforce the behavior, make it worse again. Problem solved.

The behavior of dropping group after the boss you want loot from is dead has ALWAYS been garbage and will always be garbage. You’re a garbage human if you do this. They should have fixed it a decade ago; now is better than never.

Actually in M+ it will show up in your mail,

you get your roll no matter what. Keeps people from booting people right before the boss dies to get a better chance at loot.

And the unintended consequence of this, although I haven’t seen it since they put in tiered crests forcing you to run higher keys, is people used to host a +2-3 and then AFK it. They get people that were more than capable of 3 or 4 personing the instance and just hope they’d go ahead and complete it instead of going through the hassle of forming another group.

I’ve played at a CE tier in previous xpaxs, you know you can look the person’s toons up before just pulling it out your bottom right?

Problem is this is such a toxic community there will be a lot of people who will just find ways to abuse the system, so now were just going to end up with way more people being labeled a deserter.

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Yes that’s why you’re not good.

The sooner your admit that this has been a thing since the system has been implemented the better you are going to feel.

Don’t let this Dungeon be the Dungeon that killed your mental health…

why is it that big of a deal? just hit refil my group button. Its the reason it exists just use the tools at your finger tips and stop overthinking it. You dont know why they dropped group.

I see nothing wrong with apologizing, saying goodbye and going for an emergency evacuation. I also see nothing wrong with NOT telling people.

Another non-essential “fix” applied to the game because of excessive whining. While it is a nuisance for people to pop in and out of dungeons, it is little more than that. It doesn’t merit “ham-fisting” a patch that ultimately may lead to greater toxicity.

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why is it that big of a deal? just finish the dungeon. Just use the tools at your finger tips and stop over thinking it. You absolutely know why you dropped the group.

What greater toxicity? Finish the dungeon. The end. Every other alternative is worse for you than finishing the dungeon.

People with IBS will cop an occasional penalty and that’s not the end of the world. People who are trying to rorte the system will get screwed and that’s good.

Pretending like this is ok behavior or should just be overlooked because it’s not that big a deal are full of crap. This is like a person who parks in a disabled spot because it’s not that big a problem, or leaves a shopping trolley in the carpark next to them because they can’t be bothered taking it back, or any other of a multitude of absurd antisocial behavior.

Sure, it’s not a big deal. It’s also not hard to fix, and absolutely should be dealt with. If you think leaving a group after you didn’t get what you want is ok you’re a selfish tool and you should absolutely be banned from grouping.

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