The lack of empathy of the person who created the post, which is the same person who comments, is noticeable.
It is obvious that forcing you to stay in a dungeon will solve the problem.
Because nobody wants a deserter for 30 minutes…
Just because people like these (those who complain or cry), can’t deal with the idea of looking for another player who abandoned the dungeon… taking into account that you will find a new player in 1-2 minutes… simply incredible.
I understand that it frustrates you when people leave but…
they find new players in 1-2min… what the heck is the problem? If it was a 10-15min wait, I’d pass it on to you… but since that’s not the case, you’re punishing people for crying over something as simple as using the find another dungeon button or finding another player (healer/dps/tank)
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Change already failing.
DPS pulling entire rooms for tank, then another dps not paying attention falsely blames tank for overpulling and spams a votekick which people agree on without noticing.
Don’t deserter debuff players who get votekicked out early, unless they’ve been repeatedly votekicked already within a timeframe.
I wish we still had downvotes for posts like these.
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Whyfor, sometimes you just get groups who continue to wipe on trash, if informing them doesn’t work, and kicking the problem won’t work, why should I be punished?
You can block them and not hear it. That’s nonsense.
Let’s reframe this:
I’m abusive to you, you are minding your business as are the other 3 people.
Should I be abusive to you? No.
Should you then punish the other three because you didn’t just block me? Also no.
To be honest, I don’t understand why you guys don’t just put all trinkets on the final boss of the dungeon.
It seems to be the problem is always the trinkets. So, just put em on the final boss, seems like a pretty easy enough fix.
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That’s not a part of this change, deserter for vote kicking has always been a thing.
Maybe it should be modified then to be smarter.
You’re being punished for giving up on the group early.
No group that is geared enough to queue for 5 man heroics won’t be able to clear it.
I don’t believe you and in my time in this expansion alone doing heroics constantly to have full heroic gear for both my fury and prot set I haven’t met a single group that struggled in heroics.
Yes some groups couldn’t do the “Pull the entire room” strats that other groups could do, but no group couldn’t do single packs at a time or any of the bosses.
The only people leaving early are people trying to farm a specific piece of gear from a boss. I will not pretend that you or others are leaving because of “awful groups” that isn’t happening and you know that isn’t happening, and it isn’t an actual issue.
Last night I had a normal group wipe multiple times on trash because the tank wouldn’t believe that blizzard buffed mobs. If we hadn’t had been able to kick him I would have had to leave, we weren’t getting anywhere. Some people are just not people worth dealing with
It’s not working. It’s still happening pretty much every dungeon I’ve done today has had leavers after a boss, once even had 1 person leaving after each boss doesn’t drop what they want. I was told that it doesn’t always apply if bosses are killed, so if that’s true then implementing it needs to be more consistent.
Also make it exponential. If you leave once, 30 minutes. Twice, an hour. Three times 2 hours, etc etc. keep making it bigger.
OR just make all dungeons have the chest at the end with all the loot in it like Mythic+ so people have to stay until the end to see that their trinket doesn’t drop from the first boss.
People in leveling gear can do Heroics.
I did a Stonevault earlier today, 10 minutes after dinging level 80 with just the stuff I got while I was quested.
Saw the quest, opened the group finder, was shocked to find I could actually Q up for a Heroic, and the dungeon was smooth as butter. Well, the healer and 2 DPS dropped after one of the bosses. We waited like 10 seconds, got replacements and finished the dungeon.
Only one or two people died in the entire dungeon.
But then we didn’t have an idiot tank that wanted to pull the whole dungeon. He kept it to reasonable pulls, like 2-3 packs of enemies, and actually doing stuff like LoSing them.
I have a perfect fix. Make it with like Mythic+ where loot is given at the end, or make it so if you leave right after getting a piece of gear it disappears from your bag.
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Normal group
Noticing you are purposefully avoiding talking about Heroics which is what this issue is about. People aren’t farming normals and leaving after the first boss. Stop being obtuse you know exactly why this change is being made and why they’re being punished.
That’s thing, if your group has idiots we shouldn’t be punished, most case you can solve it by taking or kicking, but sometimes
At the end of the day though as long as they don’t extend it to lfr
I don’t get why they put trinkets on first bosses.
It seems so stupid to do that, this is by far not the first time we’ve had a problem with farmers dropping groups in dungeons.
Put all trinkets on the final boss.
Nobody will ever drop a group again mid-dungeon for a trinket.
I haven’t run heroics much this expansion yet, getting my alts leveled, but I’ve played this game for 20 years and have found exactly what I described in all levels of groups, the fact that it was happening in a NORMAL means it can easily, and has, happen in an heroic
Because that’s dull, should they put all tier and trinkets on the last boss of the raid? People leave those too and it’s vastly more detrimental
Someone leaving a dungeon means you wait like 30-60 seconds usually
Dude, if someone runs a normal and they drop group because they didn’t get a trinket from a normal dungeon, they’re an idiot.
Who the frick cares what trinkets you have Pre-80 and if they are 80, why are they running Normals when you can do Heroic in leveling gear?
That is why this change is happening.