Harsher penalties for People Farming The Sacbrood please

not when the group is so bad they’re wiping in a heroic lol

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The problem players are the ones complaining about it. Nobody wants to see everybody leave the group after one boss. That’s just annoying. It’s the behavior of selfish people.


OK, I’ll “participate” and use whirlwind for the rest of it. GG, and I’ll intsruct you to thank blizz

These "Knee-jerk "hotfixes are getting out of hand.


… okay, so go do that. What is the problem here?


cant cause they hotfixing to make getting bis longer gg!!

unless i can get my neck and last trinket b4 it goes through. least i got healer offspec

Im SO thankful I have my egg, but also that we only have to worry about it for like one more week. Once its m+ people wont be leaving anymore

I don’t think this is the own you think it is.

You basically just said “I’m gonna throw a tantrum because I’m expected to participate in the group activity I queued up for”


Why not just make it a 100% drop? It’s obsolete in an eye-blink and fixes the problem.

I really, truly don’t understand the people who optimize the fun out of this game. If your goal is to get the best possible gear in the shortest possible time because you don’t enjoy playing it the intended way, then why are you even playing it?


and for the past 20 years i thought it was Looking For Gear. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


… if you want guaranteed item drops, go play dark souls or something. Random loot is a staple of this genre. It’s not going away lol


because people dropping a dungeon group early when they dont get their way will continue to be a problem, so they’re fixing the problem instead of putting a bandaid on it


Blizzard thinks people leaving a dungeon they have no value in running other than the first boss is a bigger problem than the gratingly anti-social tendencies of their community.

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This is the only thing you’ve said that makes sense.

Go play the game how you want and quit trying to tell everyone else to follow you.


so you rather get an in game ban then play for 10-15 more minutes in a dungeon? you’re a smart one.


I’ve had so many people drop from dungeons recently it’s not even funny. Almost constant. Then we have to slow the pace down/just straight up stop or the pace just naturally slows down while we’re missing a tank, healer, or DPS. It’s…pretty bad. I’m glad the deserter debuffs are being implemented. Now folks can have a bit of punishment for being unsportsmanlike.


And hell itself just froze over in GD. I eh will just see myself out.

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Ban for what exactly?

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Make dungeon loot work like it did in Remix. Every boss has a shared loot table, so anything in the dungeon can drop from any boss. Gets rid of ‘toxic’ targeted farming (which is bad for the ones doing it), but it incentivizes staying for the whole run because each boss has a chance to drop what you want.


what you described is game sabotage, best read that contract again, you just admitted to it.