There are two solutions, both already in-game in various respects, that resolve this issue without being punitive.
- Implement the Mythic+ system and have all of the loot available be apportioned at the end of the dungeon once the final boss is downed.
- Share the loot table of the dungeon across all the bosses.
I find 2 to be more elegant and approachable since it provides an incentive to clear as many bosses as possible for a chance on the specific loot you want. With #1, you run into the issue of people being even more demoralized because they completed an entire dungeon and didn’t get what they wanted, so the time expense relative to not getting gear is even greater.
The dungeon deserter debuff is needlessly punitive and is a slapdash way of correcting a fundamental issue with Blizzard’s loot design: tying specific pieces to specific bosses.
You avoid this issue entirely with having a shared loot table. Someone gets their piece of gear on boss 1 and leaves? No issue. Someone else pops in and you continue because no one has actually lost out on a chance for the specific piece they want.
Also, like most non-targeted punishments, you’re going to inevitably effect people who aren’t doing anything particularly bad. If someone has to take an important phonecall that’s longer than 2-3 minutes and they don’t want to hold up the party, why should they then be stuck waiting 30 minutes (or however long the debuff is) to requeue? What if they accidentally queued for the wrong dungeon, or know that they aren’t particularly skilled at certain aspects of the dungeon they’re in? Why would the group want to deal with a person who doesn’t want to be there, and why should the person who doesn’t want to be there be punished for then attempting to do the things they want to do in the game they’ve also paid/are paying for?
Let’s also be clear, the notion that the debuff is going to seriously affect people leaving is also misguided. Those who are after the trinket and get the trinket are still gonna leave, and the people who have no other purpose for running Heroics (or dungeons in general) are still going to say, “Hey, I can’t be bothered to deal with the rest of this dungeon/group, and I can do something else for 30 minutes, especially once season 1 begins and there’s more to actually do”.
The other issue concerning non-targeted punishment is that you run the risk of being annoying but non burdensome, or so burdensome that you dissuade people not just from the punishable behavior (deserting), but also the underlying activity (dungeons). If the debuff is too long, many people would avoid dungeons altogether because the potential of getting locked out of other queueable activities is too much of a risk. Too short, and potential deserters would simply shrug their shoulders and consider it a time cost of doing business.
This also gets to another point I’d make, and it’s not punishing players for poor design decisions by Blizzard. One of the issues is that Blizzard, for whatever reason, refuses to implement any sort of bad luck protection outside of rare instances (such as legendaries). Given that players are going to target specific pieces of gear one way or another (and the lack of systems comparable to Emblems from back in the day means that most of that targeting is via dungeons and raids), the fact that there’s no bad luck protection incentivizes the very behavior that people (and Blizzard) doesn’t like.
Not only that, but given that there are already systems that can detect what gear you have on your character and your account, not having a system that at least prevents repeat drops of the same gear at current or lower iLvls reinforces the problem. There’s no reason that the Personal Loot system can’t account for the existence of the same exact piece of gear on a character (either being worn, in their bags, or in the bank). Furthermore, it’s made even worse because there’s no longer any titanforging system. The absolute best you can do is getting a piece with a desirable tertiary stat, and given that some tertiary stats are absolutely worthless for a broad swath of classes (such as avoidance) or legitimately worthless in every case (such as indestructible), getting the same drop as vendor trash serves only to waste your time. The waste is also compounded by the fact that these drops, by and large, are soulbound, so you can’t even take advantage of the Warbank system and potentially gear alts.
Because of that, I’m firmly in the camp that Blizzard should make a significant design change when it comes to loot as it pertains to the issue of dungeon deserting. As I said before, option #2 (shared loot table amongst all bosses) is my desired choice, as it alleviates all of the issues without introducing any new ones that can’t also be resolved by the introduction of bad luck protection or a system that prevents additional drops of non-upgrade loot. Might it be immersion breaking? Sure, but the people most up in arms about this issue are the ones who couldn’t care less about the immersion relating to boss loot.