Sorry but I’m never going to approve of something that penalises someone for leaving a group.
Group content in WoW is consensual and people should be free to leave whenever they choose.
Forcing people to stay in a group is just really bad design.
What happens when someone is being harassed in their dungeon group?
Now that victim will be penalised for removing themselves from a bad situation.
If people need to leave a group, they should be free to do so. What does it matter to you who completes the dungeon with you? When someone leaves your group, you will get a pop up saying “someone has left your group” then give you the option of filling that empty spot - will probably take you 10 seconds.
My opinion is to increase the drop rate so people don’t need to run it 30+ times to get the item. I like how ESO ensures you get something new before allowing duplicates. It’s not about punishing those who leave, but understanding why they are leaving. Lastly, back in my day, if there was a need for tanks or healers, they would receive a bag with worthwhile items at the end. I remember getting a mount and some pets from it back in WotLK, not just a rune and some gold.
I can’t believe that the person who posted/created this thread cried and they heard it…
I can’t believe it, my god…
I mean the LFG fills up completely in less than 1 minute!
How can you cry because a person leaves?
I’ve been to several dungeons where 1 or 2 have left… and what did I do? I searched again and found people…
I can’t believe that someone can complain at that level…
Because I also farm my items, but I also put up with others doing the same.
Because nobody should be forced to stay in a whole dungeon where they probably received the same items over and over again.
For a random guy to come and cry because “1 or 2” people left… simply incredible.
PS: Just as I’ve read that many say “Create your own group and farm” then we apply the same “Create your own group and finish your dungeon”.
You can’t force people to stay in a dungeon, that’s forcing. Which is not going to bring positive results if you force people to enter the deserter just to leave a dungeon where you can quickly fill it in 1-2 minutes.
Ignore exists. Also don’t queue to be placed with randoms if you want to insulate yourself.
It matters because you are making other people wait for the group to fill back up and more importantly potentially jacking the replacement(s) out of a boss they may have needed.
Don’t need a tutorial on the forums I know how the game works friend.
I’ve found if you queue for specific dungeons you don’t get half complete ones. I took it as if you pick random you’re chill with whatever dungeon and the progress of said dungeon.
I haven’t read the whole thread, but has anyone suggested just filling the slot with a bot/follower? The bots from the latest BG comp stomp were killing it and the ones from the follower dungeons are getting much better.
I ll answer all your points cause you are making me laugh:
1: if someone need loots from third boss, I have been in that position many time and could care less if someone esle is leaving at first boss, there is even time where me and a healer soloed a boss because the tank was too clueless to find the room and the other players already left, I didnt even sweat it, second I am not getting carried any second maybe in your own little word that idea made sense but all you are getting so far is a good laugh from me.
2: They don’t. 30 valorstone at the end boss instead of 10 is NOT a reward that people care for, the 84g that you get for completing the dungeon in LFG is a total joke.
3: lets be honest heroic dungeons are dead the second that M+ open, everyone and their mother that know how to play this game skip the step and jump in M+ right away, so have fun in your heroics a year from now I wont care and I doubt many will.
Many it happened to me where I would come in a dungeon already started, guess what ? I didnt care a second, I went on killed the next boss to avoid deserter and went back in Q without even close to a second though or frustration.
This fix this but won’t give an option to leave a dungeon when a tank is holding your corpse hostage refusing to die while soloing the boss for 10 minutes.
Have they said what action they are taking specifically and when they are taking it?
OP said a hot fix would be implemented today and so far I’ve seen nothing. Maybe changed their minds after reading this thread of negative feedback in regards to their suggestion?