Or just leave it on the first boss and if they leave… say 3 times in a row…
Just set the drop chance to 0% for a couple of weeks.
I’m honestly surprised they removed the leaver penalty.
In Shadowlands people were farming for conduits and just immediately leaving after if they didn’t drop.
What if the refills want to do the first boss? I have seen threads where people complin about joining a group that is already halfway.
Probably Sacbrood. I’ve seen more than a few classes begging for it while I ran some walk-in spam groups.
They tend to do that.
I loved SL for the ToP Dungeon. We ticked off a few tanks.
They’d sneak off to their boss first. High chance of party drop after regardless if they got an item drop or not.
Oh no no Mr/Ms tank. You can’t solo this, and we are doing this by the numbers.
Go to this door and we do this properly. or leave.
To most likely get picked up in another ToP their tank got the drop and bailed. an eternal cycle of dead tank item boss was possible for them really.
But yeah blizzars never learns. I recall sanguine halls…was notorious for trinket droppers. So relatively recent in a way.
My personal stance is that their stupid in the first place to even sit there and farm it this early. The amount of stats and power that they would even gain from it at a heroic level doesn’t justify going so hard for it. Their better off waiting for the season to start before they actually sit there and started no lifeing for it.
I am glad blizzard is going to punish this behavior though, this sort of degen behavior simply shouldn’t be allowed. Given the same thing also happens all the time in LFR, I’ve literally seen groups lose half the rosters at times over people trinket and weapon farming. I even remember dealing with people throwing full blown tantrums in Abberus because we would go right first instead of left due to people farming anvil and OCE.
In all honesty I sort of wish we could get a currency of some sorts maybe like dinars, that can be used to buy trinkets only after a certain amount of time has passed. Just to alleviate the issues that occur with people farming specific bosses in the manner that they do.
There’s nothing better to do because everything is time gated.
M0? gated
M+? gated
Raids? gated
At least getting pre-bis will set us up to go straight into M+ for week 1 vault instead of trying to gear up after the season starts.
It’s difficult to tell if you’re just trolling or are autistic, but you could just pretend they already put the loot on the final boss and finish the dungeon.
I mean to be fair the bulk of your gear will come from M0, I guess it could be useful until mythic plus actually launches. Yet at the end of the day it’ll be rapidly replaced, given we also get normal and heroic raids too. Personally I’m just taking my time, I don’t see much point in breaking myself over anything this week, I also started a new job this week that’s been eating up my time anywho. I’ll probably gear up next week through heroic dungeons, yet currently even as it being something to do I just personally cannot get behind it. I do understand and respect your viewpoint though, yet I still think it’s a bit silly at the end of the day.
Not to mention it’s probably a safe bet to make that we’ll see some tuning on it before the season starts. It’s very rare that trinkets like this survive to the season start, if not the entire season without seeing a tuning pass when it has such a high power gap in comparison to other trinkets. I could be wrong here and blizzard might leave it alone, but historically speaking they don’t.
The best way to fix it is to put the loot at the end of the dungeon just like M+
If people get pre-bis they can skip M0 and go straight into M+ which gives better crests and gear tracks. Yes, it will be replaced quickly but you save time by getting ahead now than playing catch up later. You know what the M+ pug scene is like. Once you fall behind it’s a up hill battle.
If Blizzard doesn’t buff item drop rates and Valorstone amounts from bosses with this change then it’s just a knee jerk reaction that won’t fix anything and just make things worse, especially when a lot of players move onto M0 dungeons and Heroic loses any purpose like previous expansions.
Know what I’ll do if I have a 30 minute deserter? Just go do something else. I wasn’t gunna do anything but that dungeon but now I won’t do any dungeons and there’ll be one less tank in the pool.
I want the deserter debuff to be account wide.
And content agnostic.
If players can’t be trusted in one queue, they shouldn’t be trusted in any queue.
LFR too.
I think this is an overall positive change, but it’s absolutely shameful that it’s come to this.
It can be abused, but I’ll be happy to take my deserter buff and report the idiots in the hope of actual consequences.
Yeah, it’s fun to watch.
Almost like habitually screwing over others has… consequences, or something.
What if we legit get DC’d? We’ve been having connection issues lately but I’d hate to not even try to play the content. But if I lose the 'net again it sucks major that I’d be punished for something out of my control.
You’ll still get deserter.
Because there is no way to determine if you lost connection or ripped your ethernet cable out in a pique of rage.