Yep - this new system will 100% allow people to effectively “hold you hostage” for 30 minutes if they want to. Adding blanket debuffs like this is a poor solution. There are algorithms that can detect a pattern and implement a back end ‘strike’ system that accumulates and then removes a players ability to queue.
But now - everyone is at risk of getting a 30 minute time out, if the dungeon bugs and you all have to leave. Or if the tank decides to grief you by not pulling anything and you can’t manage to continue without them tanking.
There are more potential downsides where someone ‘innocent’ gets punished - as opposed to an actual system designed to punish frequent leavers.
I don’t think they actually thought this out all the way because if you kill the first boss you can be kicked and avoid the dungeon deserter debuff entirely, so now they just incentivize everyone who didn’t get what they want to just stand there and afk until they get kicked.
If you currently queue for a dungeon, kill 1 boss and drop group, you are already on a 15 minute cooldown before you can queue again.
But way to incentivize tanks and healers not queuing rather than risk getting a group that’s going to hold them hostage despite awful behavior.
My mother used to say, “Great minds think alike.”
It is being implemented because Blizzard wants to put highly desirable loot on the first boss and then require players to stay for the entire dungeon. Heck, they want you to stay for the entire dungeon throughout even if you’re in a horrible group of trolls, because they see that as your duty to WoW.
It has always been a problem when a highly desirable or even mandatory item is put on the first boss of a dungeon at the start of an expansion, but they keep doing it. There was an extremely low drop rate in Shadowlands for a bis legendary memory. It is unreasonable to expect players to farm a dungeon hundreds of times to get something that is so important.
I wonder if it would be better to have loot rolled and rewarded at the end of the dungeon instead of a deserter debuff. I can see people rather eating the debuff than be obligated to finish a dungeon. If you dont have time to finish the dungeon or the patience to suffer through a problematic group, there is more than enough solo content now to make up for it imho. At the very least, maybe Blizzard can have some sort of loot master and re-evaluate which boss drops which item and put the popular ones at the end boss.
In my opinion, I think you should be able to queue for a single LFR boss. This is a major problem in raids.
If an item is so important, the drop rate should be increased so players don’t have to run that dungeon many, many times to get it. If they know they’ll have to run the dungeon maybe 10 times rather than 100, they’ll be less likely to drop group.
Which would happen rarely if it had a decent drop rate. Very rarely. The fact that there is always a long tail is not justification for giving a mandatory item a 1% drop rate, because “Since some players are not going to get it until 100 runs anyway, let’s make it so rare they’ll have to farm THOUSANDS of dungeons. And require them to stay in every dungeon until it is completed FOREVER. It’ll be so good for players to have to continue to play with malicious trolls until the dungeon is over! That will teach those casuals to make friends. It’ll make trolls really happy. And we need to cater to trolls, so they don’t get bored and quit.”
far more often then should be happening…but more often its just general toxicity.
to give an example was in a H stone vault aboue an hour and a half ago that had a dps and a healer bickering it got to the point that by the 2nd boss the healer was refusing to heal 2 of the dps, no one wanted to kick them, or the dps they were bickering with so rather then suffer these 2 clowns i bailed…with this change i would be punished for simply not wanting to subject myself to their childish nonsense which frankly is beyond wrong and beyond backwards
1 item drops for 5 people, you have a 20% chance of getting a drop
and then it depends on how many items that boss drops for you as to how the drop chance is, but you’re probably looking at 5-10% chance
You seemed to be telling us that lots of players are going to farm more than 100 dungeons and still not getting it, that since there is a probability long tail the item could justifiably be given a vanishingly small drop rate. And just require everybody to finish the dungeon because it’s good for /timeplayed.