Long overdue
Luckily vote kick is still there.
The change will be overall better for the community and new players.
So people will just stop and force a vote-to-kick. I don’t really see this fixing anything.
Both which are reportable/actionable
Exploit doesn’t mean glitch. You exploited (aka benefited from) a flaw in the system to defy the spirit of the rule (the goal was to get people to finish dungeons rather than leave early) and now that you did it too often, you can’t do it anymore.
Finish your dungeons.
I’ll be here when the people come to complain about being stuck with toxic players now. Those groups do exist, the ones that hold you hostage, refuse to kill the last boss unless you pay them, etc. I’ve seen some insane toxic behavior in dungeons over the years.
They absolutely can not punish people for doing nothing wrong, ol boy. Quitting a game when you’re being prevented from playing when you did nothing to warrant it isn’t an extreme overreaction, goofball.
ALL the more reason you can just group with your friends and run whatever you want when you want instead of getting in que with people. Nothing left to say.
Yeah, this is the thing. You’re not being told you can’t farm the first boss anymore. You just can’t do it at the expense of five other players who didn’t agree to it.
If you make your own group, you can do whatever you want and there’s no leaver penalty.
This is fantastic news
that would most likely fix the quitters and not dampen the queue yeah. Make the trinket they’re after from last boss to force the dungeon to be finished or like…nobody gets any loot till dungeon is done. Always been annoying when people just drop because the item they want didn’t drop or someone else got it and won’t hand it over. idk seems kinda entitled to ruin the run for people because you didn’t get the item you’re after as the group does not always refill after that. Usually when people drop after a boss that’s seen as them wasting everyone’s time and group breaks right there from what I’ve seen but who knows these days
These same people are the ones who harken back to Classic and ‘working’ for their gear. They then get the best gear, stomped people in PvP and had nothing else but to farm the same content over and over again, which most didn’t when they get mostly full BiS.
WoW still struggles to cater to both this audience and the people who just want to play in the first place without any care or regard to ‘work’ in their video game.
Asmongold and his audience are these type of players. Love or hate the man or audience they’re apart of WoW still and they’re in direct contrast to people playing just to play. Different mindsets and goals.
The increased implementation of deserter is essentially punishing everyone who leaves a dungeon group for any reason, because of everyone who leaves a dungeon group for a specific reason.
Not everyone who leaves a dungeon group partway through is doing so for something like being able to farm a specific boss faster or ‘exploiting’ as you put it. Personally, I can understand someone with maybe a more hectic real life being upset by this change if they’re now gonna have to wait a half hour in between leaving a dungeon and being able to queue for another one.
And all of those things, are reportable. You do that to me, Dang right I’m going to spend the time while we’re all standing there to report you. Either way, I’ll never see you again as reporting you puts you on a “blacklist” or so they say.
Yes, but reports can take weeks to a month to result in anything.
Only for the current logged in session, you have to actually ignore the player for that to work beyond the current session.
while you were here getting mad at people for playing the game how they want, i farmed both items i wanted lol
Maybe this is an opportunity to increase the incentives for finishing rather than punishing leaving?
Nah, I’m good. This is in Blizzard’s hands to fix properly.